Chapter 6

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August Pov

Last night Janae texted and told me that she have an appointment in the morning around 9. Me and Makenzie was suppose to have breakfast but i told her we will go out for dinner and by the way we made it to the shade room. I love the shade room when I'm not on there. Chris suppose to bring the kids by later soo let me get my day started. I got up and went a take a shower and did my hygiene. I put on some Gucci joggers, with a Gucci shirt, and Gucci shoes. I put on some cologne and a chain. I left and went to the doctor office. I sat and waited for Janae and she came in. She went to the front desk and got the paper work and cake sat by me.

"Trying to be like me i see" i said referring to the Gucci. She had on a Gucci crop too with some matching shorts and some sparkly grey Gucci shoes.

"No you trying to be like me" she said laughing she finished the paper and went turn it in and came back

"I can't wait till i find out what the baby is i kinda want another girl but then i want a boy but then again idc as long as it's healthy" she said

"That's all that matter" i said

"But when we find out what baby is i want you to help me with the nursery" she said

"You got another house" i asked

"Uhm yea kinda" she said fake smiling "hopefully it's temporary till everything settle" she continued

"Ok" i said kinda hurt but it's better than a hotel. "Can i at least know the address" i asked

"When I'm finished putting things together" she said

"Understanding" i said

"For Marie party i was thinking ballerinas cause she walking around the house twirling around. Like next week ima put her in dance class but they do ballet one week then another week jazz then another week hip hop." She said

"Yea i like that the girls that's coming can dress like ballerinas" i said

"Oh yea they can" she said

"Janae Alsina" the nurse called us to the back

They took her height weight blood pressure checked her eyes and ears. And we went into a private rooms.

"So your here to see if your pregnant" the nurse asked

"Yes mam i am" She said

"Ok can you pee in this cup for me" the nurse said handing her a cup. She took the cup and went in the restroom. Came back and handed the cup to the nurse and she left.

"I'm nervous" she said

"I am to" i said looking at the time and a nigga kinda hungry. A few moments later the nurse came back in

"Well indeed you are pregnant 5 weeks. Not that far along. But would you like to see if we can some on the ultrasound" she asked

"Yes" me and Janae said at the same time. I got up and went hold her hand. She put the gel i
On her stomach and we looked on the screen.

"Awww look my baby soo tiny" she said and tear slipped and i wipe it for her

"Yes very tiny. Would y'all like a picture" she asked

"Yea" She said wiping the gel off and she got the picture and handed Janae her medicine. We set another appointment and left.

"See you later" she said giving me a hug she being really nice

"Bye" i said getting in my car. I made sure she left before i did.

Janae Pov

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