Part 38: Rise of the Destroyers II

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Monday 2:35PM

On Overlord's mothership, the Defenders were trapped in rooms with some members of the Destroyers. Each room the Defenders were in trouble.

"Ethan stop!" Blade said avoiding Shapehawks blade

Blade kicked Shapehawk back as Tank punched him into the wall. Shapehawk then got up and got his blue tentacles to wrap around Tank and threw her at Blade. Shapehawk then faced Icicle and walked towards her.

"Um" Icicle said thinking "It's me Schakiki"

Shapehawk then stopped and stared at Icicle.

"Wait did that work?" Icicle asked

Shapehawk then stretched his arm at Icicle and wrapped his arm around her neck choking her. Shapehawk then slammed her into the wall and threw her to the ground.

"I'll take that as a no" Icicle said getting up

Shapehawk then got his plasma cannon out and fired it at Icicle but she made an ice wall to protect her from the blast. Tank then slammed Into Shapehawk as he wasn't paying attention and then threw him into the wall. Shapehawk then turned his legs into a laser cannon and blasted Tank to the wall. Blade then ran at Shapehawk but Shapehawk whacked him with a blue tentacle knocking him down. He then got a blue Tentacle and made a blade appear on the end and stabbed Blades arm.

"Ah!" Blade said getting stabbed

Blade then got his sword and sliced the tentacle off. Icicle then blasted Shapehawk with an ice beam making fall to the ground.

"Keep him down!" Blade said

Icicle then kept blasting Shapehawk down on the ground making him unable to get up.

"What now?" Icicle asked blasting Shapehawk

Blade then started to think when he remembered what Mr Jones said.

"No I can't!" Blade said

"You can't what?" Icicle asked

Suddenly Shapehawk got his plasma cannon out and blasted Icicle knocking her down. As he got up Shapehawk walked towards Blade and turned his fingers into little blades and stabbed Blade's stomach.

"Ah!" Blade said getting stabbed

Shapehawk then lifted Blade up as the blades were still in him and threw him down to the ground.


"Jason run!" The Brain said

The giant cobra then pounced at The Bat but Barrior made a force field appear to block the attack. Strike then ran towards Barrior and tried to stab him but Barrior blocked it with a force field and knocked him back. The Cobra then went around the force field and tried to attack The Bat again but he flew out the way but hit something like a wall behind him.

"What?" The Bat asked as he turned around to see what he hit but saw nothing

The Cobra then wrapped its body around The Bat trapping him from moving.

"Let me go!" The Bat said

Cyclops then jumped at the cobra and tried to punch him but the cobra disappeared.

"What the?" Cyclops asked confused "What is happening?"

Suddenly Leaper flied kicked Cyclops down to the ground and karate kicked The Bat to the ground as well.

"What do we do?" Barrior asked

The Brain then looked around her to see it was black everywhere. She then walked forward and walked into something like a wall.

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