Chapter 2

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I walk in the school with Noah by my side. There is a lot of people crowding the halls so I do the natural thing and reach out and grab Noah's hand.

"Hey look! That girl is holding the fags hand!" someone is shouting at us from across the hall. "Hey girl! He's a fag don't hold his hand, he doesn't like chicks."

I look up and see that it's the other boy that had walked on the bus before Noah.

Noah tries to let go of my hand but I don't let him.

"Why are you holding my hand?"

"I'm scared. There's so many people here."

"It's okay. Lets go find your locker."

I nod and we start to walk off down the hall. We find my locker and we figure out that Noah's locker is right next to mine.

"Oh cool, our lockers are right next to each others." I say as I let go of his hand and open up my locker. I take my binder out of my bag and place the bag inside the locker.

Noah does the same. His binder is black while mine is bright purple.

"What's your first class?" Noah says as he pulls out a piece of paper with his schedule on it from his binder.

I pull out my schedule and hand it to him as I take his.

We have the same classes.

"This is awesome." I say as he nods and hands me back my schedule and I hand him back his schedule.

We walk off down the hall to our first class which is math.

When we enter the classroom, we figure out that the classes are split by sex too. One side is for boys and the other side is for girls. We decide to sit in the middle in the front of the class right next to each other.

A girl with bright purple hair comes and sits next to me.

"Hi, I'm Dakota. This is Noah." I motion towards Noah sitting on the other side of me.

"Hi." the girl says as she looks away.

"What's your name?"

"i'm Pandra."

"That's a nice name!"

"Thank you." she put her head down on the desk only to pick it back up when the teacher walks in.

"Hello class. My name is Mrs. Mason." the teacher says as she starts writing her name on the board. "Okay, so I know that it's the first day, so we're going to spend the day getting to know each other. We are gong to go down the rows and when it is your turn just come up to the front of the class and state your name and tell us a little about yourself. I'll go first." the teacher moves from behind her desk to the front of the classroom. "My name is Mrs. Mason, I teach math here and I like to take walks. Next."

The girl on  the other side of Pandra stands up and walks to the front of the class. "My name is Danielle. I like  to read on the internet." she goes and sits back down.

Then, the girl behind Danielle stands up and walks to the front of the class. "My name is Erra. I like to write poems."

The girl behind her stands up and goes to the front of the class. "I'm Raven and I like to hang out with friends."

Next it is Pandra's turn. "I'm Pandra and I like listening to music."

"I'm Becca and I like to sing."

"I'm Taya and I like to drive around."

It is now my turn. I stand up and walk to the front of the class. "I'm Dakota and I like to read and play Zombies." I sit back down and watch the next student go up and introduce themselves.

"My name is Maddie. I like to watch TV."

"I'm Zoe and I like to act."

Now it is time for the boy's turn and Noah is the first one.

"I'm  Noah and I like to ride my long board." He gets a piece of paper thrown at him by the boy who had yelled at us in the hall.

"I'm Israel and I like to work out."

"I'm Angel and I like to look up horoscopes."

"I'm Micky and I like to play video games."

"I'm Ezra and I like Pokemon."

Then, the boy who keeps terrorizing Noah stands up from the last seat and walks to the front of the class.

"My name is Wyatt. I like to please the ladies." He looks at me and winks.

I roll my eyes.

After he sits down, the bell rings and we all leave the class room.

In the next two classes, we do the same thing and all the same people are in each class. Finally, it is time for lunch.

After me and Noah get our lunch, we see Pandra sitting at an empty table. I start to walk over to the table and me and Noah sit down.

"Hi." I say to Pandra.

Danielle comes and sits down next to Pandra. "Hi, I'm Danielle."

"I'm Dakota, this is Noah."

"Hi." Noah whispers next to me.

We all start to talk and get comfortable with each other until the end of lunch. When the bell rings, we all go to our classes. Again, the same people are in every class. 

When it is finally time to go home, me and Noah wait for the second bus so we can talk to Pandra and Danielle some more.

A couple of minutes into the conversation, The boys named Israel and Ezra walk up to us.

"Hey." they both say to us.

"Hey." I say. "Are those Pokemon balls?"

"Yes." Ezra says.

"Have you got any Pokemon yet?"

"No, I only have my starter Pokemon, Charmander."

"Oh can I see him?"

"Um, no he's resting." he says.

"Oh well that's good, you're a good trainer."


We talk for a little bit more until Israel leaves to drive Ezra home and Pandra and Danielle's mothers come and pick them up.

Me and Noah get on the bus and ride home together again.

"Bye." Noah says when we get to his stop.

"Bye." I wave.

I get off at the next stop and walk into my house to see my mother sitting in the kitchen looking worried.

"Oh sweetie! I was so worried! I thought you would be home earlier." she says running over and hugging me.

"I'm sorry mom. I was just waiting for the bus longer because I was talking to some new friends I made."

She lets go of me and looks at me. "You made new friends?"

"Yes." I turn to walk up the stairs. "I'll be right back, I have to change."

"Okay sweetie, tell me all about your new friends at dinner tonight?"

"Okay mom." I walk up the stairs and go into my room. Once I shut the door, I change out of my school clothes and into some shorts and my favorite tank top. One day of school down.

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