Chapter 3

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I walk downstairs so I can help my mother set the table for dinner. When I enter the kitchen, I grab three plates from the cupboard to set up the table.

"We only need two places set today sweetie. Your father won't be joining us tonight."

"Why not?" I say as I put one of the plates back and bring the other two plates to the table.

"He called and said he had to work late tonight." she has a look of frustration on her face after she says this.

"Oh." I say. I know that my father has been cheating on my mother since the fight they had on my last birthday back in June.

My mother also knows, but she is willing to stay with him. She is hoping that it is only a temporary thing and that he still loves her. She brings a pot of spaghetti and sauce from the stove to the table.

"Go ahead and sit down mom." I say. "I'll fill the plates tonight."

She smiles at me and sits at her spot at the table.

I grab a serving spoon and two forks from the drawer next to the sink and bring them to the table. I place a fork next to my plate and the other next to mother's plate. Using the serving spoon, I start to fill mine and my mother's plates, then sit down at my spot next to my mother.

"Would you like to say a prayer or shall I?" my mother asks me.

Knowing that my mother has a lot on her mind and that she would like to talk to God, I allow her to say a prayer. I bow my head as my mother begins.

"Dear Lord, me and Dakota are very thankful for this meal you have given us. Please bless my daughter with a long healthy life and please allow your Hold Spirit to guide my husband down the right path. To you, our lord and savior, amen."

"Amen." I grab my fork a start to eat my food.

"So, tell me about your new friends." my mother says.

"Well, today at lunch I sat with a girl named Pandra, a girl named Danielle, and a boy named Noah."

"Do you fancy Noah?" my mother asks me.

"Well it wouldn't really matter if I did."

"Why is that?" she asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"He's homosexual."

"Is that so? Well that's good that you were able to look past something many people wouldn't and befriend him."

I smile. "It is good because he is a really good friend. He even allowed me to hold his hand when I got scared. Of course, when this kid named Wyatt saw us, he was a total jerk to me and Noah."

"That boy, Wyatt, shouldn't treat people that way just for being different."

"That's true."

"Tell me about Pandra."

"Pandra is really nice and funny too. But, she is really shy."

"It's okay to be shy."

"Yes it is. Danielle is really funny and she likes to goof around a lot too."

"Is that all the people you met today?"

"Well I did meet two other boys outside of school, that's why I was late, I was talking to them all. One boy's name was Israel and he was kind of out of it. I think he might have been out of it."

"Israel? Like the country?"

"Yes. The other boy's name was Ezra. He had a whole bunch of Pokemon balls. He says he has a Charmander but I didn't get to see it because he said it was resting."

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