Chapter 12

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We all start to walk away from the school yard before the bell rings. When we get to the corner, we hear the bell ring. A couple minutes later, we are getting on a bus to go to my house.

We get to my house and I led us all up the driveway. Today, both my parents are home. I open the door and allow everyone to walk in behind me.

"Mom? Daddy?" I yell out.

"Dakota?" My mother yells out from the living room. "Me and your father are in the living room."

I lead all my friends into the living room where my parents are sitting on the couch. 

"What is this, Dakota?" My father asks. "Why have you brought a faggot into my house?"

"Mom, daddy, this is Noah," I motion toward Noah. "my friend. This is Kaleb, his boyfriend."

Kaleb steps forward and holds his hand out to my father. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Don't you dare touch me! Filthy sinner!" My father quickly stands up and raises his hand.

I step between them and receive a hard smack across the cheek.

"Move out of the way, Dakota." My father pushes me to the floor.

"No!" I scream at him.

This catches him off guard and he pauses to look at me.

"Stop it. Now."

My father blinks at me. "What did you just say to me?"

"Sit. Down." I say.

My father doesn't make a move.

"NOW!" I scream.

My father slowly lowers himself onto the couch next to my  mother.

"This is Pandra, my girlfriend." I hold up mine and Pandra's linked hands.

"How could you disappoint me like this, Dakota?" My father asks in a defeated tone.

"You are the disappointment, father." I state.

"Excuse me?" My father starts to raise off the couch.

I shoot him a cold look.

He sits back down.

"You are the bad person here. Noah did nothing to you, yet you hate him. God created every person on this earth. Why would he make someone he hates? Why would he create one of his children and expect them to be hated by the world. I believe that God has created homosexual people to teach his children a lesson."

"What lesson would that be then?" My father says.

"That in order to learn to accept differences, there has to be differences. That we should love by our own heart's rules, not his. God wants us to go against him and follow ourselves. He wants us to grow and make our own choices. Being gay is not bad. Kaleb showed you nothing but respect and you yelled at him. Noah has always been there for me whenever I needed him, same as Pandra. We are not the bad ones for being homosexual, you are the bad one for judging us the way you do."

Tears are running down my father's cheeks to match mine. "I'm so sorry, Dakota. You need to leave."

"What?" I ask.

"Pack your things and leave."

"Honey." My mother speaks up.

"No! Dakota, you need to leave. By the end of tomorrow, I expect all your things to be out of here."

"But daddy!" I try to say.

"No! Never call me that again. Your are no daughter of mine. Let's go to the store, dear." My father stands up and walks out of the house.

"I already knew about this all." My mother states. She comes over and hugs me. "I am so proud of you, sweetie. There is a house a little ways down the street, I will text you the address. I bought it in your name and it is yours."

"Thank you mom." I say.

"There is enough  room for you all to stay there if your parents don't want you in their home. There is a U-Haul behind the house. I'll text a friend of mine to come and help you move all your stuff. I love you so much." she turns and walks out the door.

"Well, that went about as well as expected." Noah states.

We all start to laugh.

"Come on, we have some packing to do." I lead the way up to my room and start to pack.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I thought this would be a good place to end it. I also thought that adding the whole packing process would be kinda boring to write and to read so I'm going to save you guys all the trouble. Sorry for not updating in a while, I like just started school and it is stressful at the house. I will try to update more often for you guys. Thank you all for reading this book. Comment, Vote, and Follow. I love you all!!!! <3 <3 <3

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