Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while I just kinda had trouble with some writers block. But here is an update for you!

Raven starts driving down the deserted back roads of the town. She pulls into the driveway of an abandoned house. "Mickey, get the door."

Mickey nods, then gets out of the car. He walks up to the garage in front of the car and opens it.

Raven parks the car in the garage and gets out.

Wyatt jumps out in follow and grabs my hand to help me out as well.

We all walk through a door in the garage into the house. We are standing in a kitchen. There is nothing in there so we keep walking into the living room. When we get in there, I see a couch and a coffee table. Sitting on the coffee table is a bong, a pipe, an ashtray, and a lighter.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"This is our hang out spot." Raven says as she sits on the couch.

Mickey sits next to her. "What stuff did you get today, Wyatt?"

Wyatt pulls me over to the couch and sits down. Puling me onto his lap, he says, "A whole bunch of weed."

"Sweet, I call greens!" Raven says, leaning forward to grab the bong and the lighter.

"Why don't we let Dakota have greens?" Wyatt asks.

"Oh, I'm good. I don't want any." I say.

Everyone looks at me.

"You don't smoke pot?" Mickey asks me.

"No." I say.

Wyatt takes a small bag out of his pocket and grabs the bong and lighter from Raven's hands. after putting some weed in the bowl, he hands the bong and the lighter to me. "Try it, you'll like it."

"No, I really don't think I should." I say, trying to shove the bong away from me.

"Just try it, Dakota. You don't want to disobey me, right?" Wyatt raises an eyebrow at me.

"I don't know how to." I say.

"Here, I'll show you." Wyatt takes the bong from my hands and sets it in his lap. He puts it to his lips and lights the lighter over the weed.

The weed starts to burn as smoke fills the clear shaft of the bong.

Wyatt lifts the bowl out of the bong and all the smoke disappears into his lungs. He sets the bong back in his lap and sits there for a moment. Then, he blows the smoke out. "Just remember," he says, shoving the bong into my hands, "You need to hold in the smoke."

"Okay." I say. I lift the bong to my lips and light the lighter over the weed. The second the smoke hits my mouth, I stop and start to cough.

"There you go babe, take another hit, you'll get used to it." Wyatt encourages me.

I lift the bong to my lips and light the lighter again. This time, I make sure not to cough. After the bong is filled with smoke, I lift the bowl out of the bong and breath in all the smoke. I set it back in it's cradle and hold the smoke in. I hand the bong and lighter to Raven, still holding in the smoke.

"Aren't you going to blow out the smoke?" Raven asks as she takes the bong.

I move my hands in a way to say 'Hurry up'.

She takes her hit and hands the bong to Mickey.

I blow out the smoke from my lungs.

"Why did you hold it in so long?" Raven asks me.

"I saw it in a movie once and they explained it. It's kind of a challenge." I explain.

"What is the challenge?" Wyatt asks me.

"If you are smoking with other people, you have to hold in the smoke until the next person takes their hit."

"That's cool!" Mickey speaks up. "Let's all do it." He takes his hit and hands the bong to Wyatt.

Wyatt takes his hit and holds the smoke in as he hands it to me.

Mickey blows out his smoke.

We continue this cycle until we have smoked four bowls and are all stoned.

Wyatt starts to run his hand up my thigh. "Lets do something." He whispers in my ear.

I am stoned, so I don't remember anything other than these are my friends and Wyatt is my boyfriend. "Raven and Mickey are here, though." I look over to Raven and Mickey to see that they are in the middle of having sex. "Oh."

"Let's do that too." Wyatt says.

I giggle. "There's no room."

Wyatt stands up and takes me in his arms. He carries me to the kitchen and sets me on the counter.

We start to make-out and remove each other's clothes. Once both of our shirts are off, there is a knock on the door.

The door bangs open and a group of officers come in. A couple of them walk into the living room and come back with Mickey and Raven. They are both in hand cuffs and fully dressed.

"Alright, you two, put your clothes back on and put your hands were I can see them."

I hop down from the counter and pull my shirt back on.

Wyatt does the same and grabs my hands. "We will get through this together, I love you. Just stay with me and you'll be safe." A tear runs down his cheek.

"I will." I say.

"Okay, follow me." he whispers before running to the other room.

I follow him.

We jump out the window and run into the woods behind the house.

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