Chapter 10

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We are running hand in hand through the woods with the police chasing us. I am starting to trip on the many roots that are littering the ground. Once Wyatt notices my tripping, he lets go of my hand. "What are you doing?" I ask as he grabs me again.

"Sorry, Dakota. I'm not going to jail." He throws me to the ground again making me hit my head on a hard root. "They're far enough behind, I have time." He rips my shorts and his jeans off. He enters me.

I try to push him away but he has me pinned to a root. When he finishes, he punches me in the face until the cops come up. He doesn't notice them until they come up and pull him off of me.

Three police officers have to pin Wyatt down and handcuff him while another officer is yelling into his walky-talky. I am able to stay awake long enough to see a couple of paramedics running to me. I black out before they get to me.

I wake up in a pure white room. When I open my eyes, the light blinds me. After a couple seconds of getting used to it, it am able to open them up fully.

"Oh My God! I'm so glad you're awake!" my mom says as she hugs me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Wyatt drugged you and raped you. He got arrested. I'm so sorry that I made you date that horrible boy." My father speaks up.

With that, my memory comes back. "The night you made us go out, he raped me then too. He also threatened me to make it believable or he would do it again. I hate him." I confess.

The doctor walks in. "Good morning, Dakota. How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I just died." I say.

"Well, you have recover quite a bit in the last three days and-"

"What?" I cut him off.

"Excuse me?" the doctor says.

"I've been here for three days? It's Sunday?"

"Well, yes. But, you should be fine to go home now. It was nice seeing you, Dakota." The doctor walks out the door without another word.

"Let's go home." My father helps me out of the bed and down to the car.

I slid into the back seat while my parents take the seats in front of me. My father drives us all home.

When we get home, it is already starting to get dark out. All three of us walk in the door and my mom turns to me. "Do you want to watch some TV?" she asks.

"No." I say. "May I please go to bed early tonight?"

"Would you like something to eat before you do? Maybe some soup."

"Soup sounds nice. Thank you mom." I walk to the kitchen and sit down at the table.

My mom brings me my food and goes out into the living room to watch TV.

When I get done, I wash my plate in the sink and walk into the living room. "I'm going to bed now." I state.

"Good night dear." my mom says.

My father says silent.

I walk to my room, slip under my covers, and fall asleep.


Sorry it is so short, wanted to end the chapter at this. Please Comment, Vote, and Follow. I love you all!!! <3 <3 <3

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