Jace Returns

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Just as Val finally cries herself to sleep for the night Jace arrives at his house. He opens the door cautiously. His mom sprung instantly from the couch and rushed forward to throw her arms around him.
"Oh, Jace!!" She exclaimed, "thank goodness you're alright. Where've you been? Why haven't you answered your phone? Did you find her? Is she okay? Are you okay? What happened?"
"Mom," he chuckled, "Chill out. I'm Okay."
"Okay, " she sighed "I nearly called the cops Jace. I was so worried."
"I'm fine mama."
"Did you find her?"
"No. I thought maybe she'd went back to her home town. I guess I was wrong." he lied.
"Oh. I'm sorry sweetie."
"I'm sure the cops will find her."
"Yeah you're right." he sighed,
"Get some rest baby." Theresa said.
"Alright. 'Night mom"
"Good night."
Jace went up the stairs and collapsed on his bed. He glanced at the alarm clock on his bed side table. It was 3am. That's when this all started he thought. If he'd only paid more attention in that phone call maybe he would've realized was something was up and could've stopped her. He blamed himself, although there was no need. Once Val set her mind to something, no one could stop her.
He tossed and turned for at least an hour, wishing she was in his arms, but eventually he drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep. He didn't wake up til shortly after noon. His mom brought him blueberry pancakes in bed. Those were Val's favorites and instantly he wished she was there to share them with him. The feeling almost made him sick to his stomach.
"You alright sugar?" Theresa chirped, you're lookin' kinda pale."
"I'm alright mom." he sighed, "Just worried about her." And that wasn't a lie.
"I know honey." She cooed while rubbing his back. "It's gonna be okay."
Theresa smiled softly and excited his room leaving him to eat his breakfast in silence. He took a few bites but he couldn't force them down. He was so worried about her. He sat the plate to the side and rolled back over to sleep the rest of the day away.

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