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     After their pizza picnic Val and Jace laid back on the dusty old blanket. While passing back and forth a bottle of  brandy they watched the sun sink slowly under the horizon. It painted the sky with beautiful hues of pink, and orange, and then all sorts of blues as it disappeared from their sight. The Stars came out one by one. They seemed to be brighter out here, Jace thought, where there weren't as many street lights. It was beautiful.
     Suddenly Jace saw something though. It appeared as a streak of light through the sky, and after a moment he realized though, it was a shooting star. He turned to Val, "Make a wish" he said.
"I don't believe in magic." She spat.
"And why not?"
"I've been wasting my wishes on dandelions and stars for years now, Jace, and not a damn one has come true."
"You gotta believe in it."
"I did at first," she sighed.
"What changed?" questioned Jace.
"Nothing" she mumbled.
"So why'd you stop believing?"
"Because nothing changed Jace. Because my wishes never came true."
"What did you wish for?"  he asked somberly.
"To disappear. " she said softly rolling on her side so that she was now facing him completely. He followed suit. They were inches apart now, gazing intently into one another's eyes. His were murky-green, like pond water. Hers were a light brown, like copper. Jace thought the moment could almost be romantic if it weren't for her circumstances. He knew he didn't have a chance with her, which is why it surprised him when she reached out for him.
     Her right hand ran gently through his hair, and clasped the back of his neck. The other grabbed his shirt. Both pulled him closer into her, as she raised her lips to meet his. She tastes like alcohol and stale cigarettes, but it didn't matter to Jace. This was still by far the most magical moment in his life. He'd kissed girls before, but never like this. Their lips pulled slowly away from each other only to become locked again in the next second. Her teeth softly grazed his bottom lip. Her exhales were soft and deep. Her hands pulled and tugged at him, and his at her.
     Next thing he knew Val was straddling him, as her hands slipped under the hem of his shirt, she began to pull it over his head but stopped herself short.  "Jace" she said softly.
"Yes, Val?" he spoke nervously, surprised he could hear anything over the sound of his own racing heart.
She hesitated a moment before leaning down to whisper in his ear, "I love you."
He was shocked. He'd dreamt of hearing her say those words for years, dreamt of moments like these. He could barely talk but managed to get out the words "I love you too." And he did. More than anything in the whole world he loved her.

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