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     That Monday school drug by even slower for Jace than usual. Without Val to keep him company he found himself alone. A lot. His heart yearned for her, and hers ached for him. She paced back and forth in the empty house. The urge to call him was maddening. She knew he would be in class though, so she didn't. Instead, Val made a trip to the liquor store and used a fake ID to purchase more alcohol, and cigarettes. She didn't have much cash, and booze wasn't cheep. She was running out of things to eat too. "I guess I could get a job" she thought aloud, as she walked the streets back to her house. She hadn't driven for fear of being tracked. She'd walked, ran and taken rides from strangers. She hadn't even bothered to bring her cell phone and she didn't own a watch, so now as she sat swinging on the porch she realized she had no way of keeping up with the time, but quite honestly it didn't matter to her anymore. Everything just felt like a big blur. She hated it.
      Val spent most her day sleeping, smoking, or drinking, but nothing too strong, until that evening around what she presumed was about 3:15. That's when school let out. She made a lonely trip to a pay phone, snacking on peanut butter crackers on the way. She arrived at the pay phone which was across from the local farmers market which had a street click out side. The time read 3:45. Apprehensively she turned to the phone and began to insert quarter with shakes hands. It rang four times when he answered.
"Hello?" He said
"Hi." she said softly
"Oh my god is it really you?" he exclaimed, "I've missed you so much!"
"Yes it's really me," she chuckled, "I've missed you too.Bunches."
"Do you need anything?"he asked, "is there something I can do?"
"No...." she hesitated. "Well there is one thing but it's way too much to ask?"
"No it's not"
"Can you come stay the weekend with me?"
"Of course."
"But what about your mom?"
"I'll think of something?"
"Are you sure? You don't have to."
"I want to. I love you."
"I lo-" she was cut off. "Please insert 50 cents to continue the call." She heard the mechanical voice say. She didn't have any more change with her. She wanted to call back but she needed to save ever dime she had and she knew Jace would understand that, and so she trudged back to the broken home she'd spent her early child hood in.

     For Val and for Jace the rest of the week went by at a dreadfully slow pace, but alas, Friday arrived. Jace lied to his mom and told her he was going camping with his cousin,Chris, who gladly agreed to cover for him in the event his mom called. 

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