// alphabet boy //

8 1 1

you won the spelling bee now,
but are you smarter than me now?

// alphabet boy //

A paper airplane hit my shoulder as I went inside the classroom. Alphabet Boy was there, surrounded by all his playmates. They all laughed when they saw the plane get stuck in my hair. I angrily threw the plane away and sat in my seat.

"Hey, Cry Baby!" He threw another plane at me but missed. Hah, serves you right.

After the teacher came in, we started our lessons. Every single question was always answered by him. He always brags about his degree and his intelligence. That all changes once you take a look at his bad poetry.

During play time, I would bring out my candy canes. Right when I open my lunch box, Alphabet Boy comes and makes sure my candies are crushed to bits and pieces. No wonder butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me.

Stupid little Alphabet Boy, who says he is smarter than everyone. And yet, everyone believes him. They deemed his prince of the playground and followed his every order. None of them became my friends.

Whenever the teacher would turn her back, they would all whisper and throw crumpled up paper at me. It slowly made me angry.

"Cry Baby, why won't you write down your answer on the board?" My teacher handed me a piece of chalk.

Alphabet Boy snickered. "She would need help with that." Everyone else laughed.

I stomped over to the board and wrote something that made everyone's jaws drop.

I spelled "fuck you" in 1 2 3.

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