My Fish Died! :(

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Yesterday at 10:12 PM, I walked over to my fish tank to feed my fish. For those who do not know, my fish's name is Cookie Monster, due to his blue scales.

I opened the lid to the container, and peered inside the tank, looking for the little beta. He barely ever hides. He loves people looking at him. He loves attention.

I was startled to see him on the floor, with his eyes shut. I hoped he was sleeping, but dismissed the thought. Cookie Monster liked sleeping inside his little rock house, never outside.

I took a flashlight, hoping to wake him up, but saw all gray on his usual blue scales. He was sick.

I called for my dad, hoping he would know what to do. A look at Cookie Monster, and he told me the sad truth. "Honey....Cookie Monster is dead."

I never had a pet before. No dog. No cat. No hamster. One fish when I was little, but I barely remembered him. I never experienced a pet dying before.

Guys, it sounds so silly, but I grew attached to this fish. I would stare at him at night until I fell asleep. I taught him little tricks.

The first time I looked at him at the pet store, I felt sorrow for the fish, for it was looking dead. Yet we bought him anyway.

As soon as we dropped him into the tank, he went exploring. He was flipping his fins excitedly, blowing bubbles, making me and my family smile and laugh.

He was a brave fish. Whenever my dad cleaned his tank, Cookie Monster would go up and bite his finger, nibbling. It never hurt, it tinkled in fact, but he would always protect himself.

When I saw his limp body flush down the toilet, I didn't want to cry, but I did. So many memories with me and him, there was.

He watched me dance in my room. He saw my friends. He got excited when I fed him, and sad when I accidentally forgot.

And the thing is...I haven't even told my brothers yet.

Hugs and Cookie Monster,


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