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MEDIA: Amber (Do not you done I love Becky G, she just filled the physical criteria that represent Amber)

POS: Beverly

Christopher Anderson me is ...

I suspected it was him, my new neighbor.

And you, what is the name the charming girl who has literally farted face? he said with the smile as false in the world I've never seen before.

Am I dreaming, where he is bipolar it? It changes mood every second ... these eyes staring at me insistently while remaining neutral, I can not identify it nor to find what kind of person he is. I can not tell if the creep kind where it is one to avoid ...

Uh ... that is Beverly me, but you can call me Erly ...

What are you ?? cheeks "Erly" !!! Do you realize that the guy you know it there, what 15min and you tell him to call you by a nickname that nobody had the right, not even your best friend ?? My conscience had me fuck a slap there, what am I doing here ??

-So You Americans with your silly names ... he said snubbing me.

He took that to him, I'll show him how they are "Americans" !!! It's good, but he said it is that it comes from another country ...

I think I'm good for psycatrique hospital, if I continue to speak alone with my conscience.

-I Understand better, you're not from here. So where are you from? put down I puzzled.

He did not answer me, perhaps because he did not want to talk about where it comes from, or what is a delicate subject. Anyway ... The atmosphere is still strange. So I decided to start another topic.

Why do you speak like that of the Americans? I asked.

-What-What's it to you right? And would not you forget something? he said.

I do not know her, but I fixed by the retailer from top to bottom. It is ultimately very charming account, rather muscular, but not as much as James beating him all the records he has full lips for a man, it's pretty original, finally, it makes it very sexy and to crown all, it should be about 1.90m. Next to him, I was only a spot with my 1m75.

-What ?? He asks me.

-No Nothing, you say?

-Grrr ... I say you do not have something urgent to do before rushing me?

In SHIT !!! Qu'Est it-that is wrong with me? I'll be late to school !! It's ten and thirty-five minutes! I'm screwed and Abby can not do anything for me. I missed one class period is enough, but then to miss the following is too much for me !!!

I have always been wise, I am always given me a goal to never disappoint my parents because they expect many things from me. It is especially not arrive in Terminal I'll start them down, it's still the year of the tank and 1 or 2 hours of lost is huge for me ...

-Good listening...

I forgot about that one!

-We Did as "IF" I was the fault of that, I grant you.

Bah, then you recognize that it was you !! In return I have a concern ...

I look at the helmet he holds in his hand ...

'I'm late, I have to go to high school, Will, could you drop me to please?

you're falling on your head or what? Oh no I think it's love that you received on the head which indeed !!! OH SHUT UP !!! Now it's over I'm crazy, I'm not alone in my head.

It seems examined the pros and cons ...

-Okay, But in exchange, you will you more of me approach he said.

Oh do not worry, I intend to stay well away from you !!

-Perfect, He retorted.

Of course, I did not remove far from him, he intrigues me too so I drop it. With that we go out together in the building while keeping our distance ...

I believe that our neighborhood will be long ...

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