Chapter 7: A Dinner To Remember

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Elijah's POV:

I woke up to my brother Kol shouting on us both to get up as he knocked loudly on my bedroom door, i looked down and on my chest was my soul mate as she cuddled into me hiding her face i tighted my grip on her.

"Darling we need to wake up for dinner, i can't have you and our baby go without eating now can i"I said as she sat up and looked at me

"I'm not Pregnant Elijah what is it with you and Klaus thinking that i am pregnant when you know fine well that i'm not since we haven't done it yet"She said

"I know Darling but i will get you pregnant as we are bonded for life and this baby will complete it"i said

She didn't say anything after that as she got up and put back on her clothes she was wearing this morning, i got up and did the same expect instead of my suit i put on my jeans and my neck length shirt.

Jessica POV:

I turned around and saw Elijah in jeans wait a minute Jeans he normally wears suits ah well he did look good in anything he wears, he can pull it off, i walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips then pulled away and whispered in his ear

"I want to have a baby with you"I said

"We will have one darling"He said intervieing our hands together as we walked to the door and down the stairs

"No i mean now like after dinner or when everyone goes to bed"I said as everyone in the living room looked at us with an confused look on their faces

"Jess brother what are you both talking about"Klaus said as he and Rebekah and Kol walked over to us but left space so that my family expect for my mother and my aunt Alice could see

"Um i Elijah"I said as i looked up at him

"Me and Jessica are going to try for a baby"He said

"Yay i get to have a niece or a nephew"My sister Rensemee shouted

Nice going sis now mum, Esther, Alice and Mikael are gonna hear and come in, and just as i said that Elijah Dad Mikael walks in and looks at us with a smile painted on his face

"Okay time for dinner"Mikael said as we all followed him into the dinning room

As we walked in i saw a whole bunch of food including Turkey, Cocketts, Roast Poatoes, Beef, Cailflower, Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn, Brusel Sprouts, Cup cakes, Wine/Blood bags, cous-cous, etc...

I took my seat next to Elijah as we all passed our plates round so that our plates were fulled with all the different food, wow they did go all out

Half way through the dinner, i saw Mikael standing up with his glass of wine in one of his hand and in the other a gift,

"We are holding this dinner to celebrate my son finding his mate and also to announced that they will be trying for a baby"Mikael said as he raised his glass

"So please everyone raise your glasses to Elijah and jessica on finding each other and for trying for a baby"He said as everyone cheered

"Elijah and Jessica"

"When are you planning on trying for a baby"My mother said looking at me

"Um tonight the sooner the better, i know it sounds mean and horrible but i don't care i want a baby with the love of my life the one that i want to be the father of my kids"I said standing up as i walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, i finished like half of my dinner, i just wasn't hungry

A few minutes later, i felt some one sit down beside me i looked over and saw it was Jacob

"Hey, i'm here if you want someone to cry on or to talk to"He said opening his arms

"Thank Jake your the brother i never had"I said going into his opened arms

Jessica love"I heard a familar voice say as i pulled away from Jacob and looked over at Elijah who was standing at the door with the gift his father had

"I'm gonna go and see your sister, i will see you in the morning Jess okay goodnight i love you"Jacob said as he got up and walked out leaving me and Elijah in the living room

"Come let's go to bed"He said as he put his hand out for me to take

"Okay but what's in the box"I said taking his hand as we walked up the stairs

"You will find out tomorrow morning love i promise and trust me you will need it"he said

As we got to our bedroom he picked me up bride style, opened the door and threw me onto the bed gently though, he put the gift in his drawer beside his side of the bed then climb on top of me kissing me after he shut his bedroom door

We were both kissing each other with lots of passion and i started to take off his shirt that he had on and he did the same to me, after our tops were off our bottoms came off after that and we were left in our underwear but they weren't on long enough as he ripped his boxers off and my bra and pants

(I think you know what happend next if you don't well you don't know what making love is)

Author Note: sorry for being cheeky for the sex part its just i'm having a really bad day 

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