Chapter 16 The baby is here Part 2

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"The baby is coming"I said 


Jessica POV:

Pain pain pain that's all i feel and it's what your supposed to feel when your in Labor, oh god and all Elijah and his siblings are doing is pacing around for the ambulance to come hell i would give birth right here if i have too

"Will you all stop pacing and get towels this baby is coming now"I said looking at them all 

"Okay darling breathe in and out okay just deep breathes that's a good girl keeping doing that okay Klaus Kol towels now Rebekah find some cold water okay go hurry we don't have time my son and your nephew is coming any minute now so hurry up Vamp speed if you have to"Elijah said shouting at his sibling as they Vamp speed everywhere looking for towels and water

"Elijah"I said as he came and sat down beside me holding my hand 

"Yes Darling it's gonna be okay"He said smiling 

"I'm scared"I said with tears in my eyes

"Hey look at me Darling"Elijah said 

I looked at him and saw that he was smiling with a tear in his eyes why is never mind 

"You are gonna be fine okay Carlisle is here and i'm sure he will make sure that our baby boy comes out healthy and safe"He said as i nodded but screamed as i was ready to push

"Carlisle i need you here"I said as i saw Carlisle rushing over to me with his Kit

"I'm here Jess i'm here just relax okay where are those towels and water"Carlisle said as on cue Rebekah came with the water and Kol and Klaus came with the towels 

"Rebekah take this cloth and dip it in the water then placed it on Jessica forehead and keep doing that till this is over Klaus i need you to hold Jessica other hand"Elijah said 

"Esme need your assistance over here"Carlisle said as his wife Esme came over and helps him with the towels 

"Okay Jess on the next contraction i want you to push okay"Esme said 

I nodded and right on time the contraction came and i pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed till i couldn't, i was breathing heavily and sweating and Rebekah putting cold water on me didn't help but it was relaxing 

"Jess you have to push one more time think you can do that for us"Esme said but i didn't answer her 

"Jessica it's Klaus hey listen to me okay and only me you are doing great just one big push then you will have your baby boy in your arms okay"Klaus said 

I pushed with all i had left and as i did Elijah cut the cord and i placed my head on Rebekah's lap since she was behind me, i couldn't look i was so sore and tired to look, i felt someone lifting my head up and replacing it on someone else lap, sitting me up i look at the person and saw it was Elijah who was smiling at me i looked at Esme and saw that she had a baby blue blanket in her arms and in it was my son, she gently placed Mine and Elijah's son in my arms and walked away with Carlisle to where the rest of my family where to let me, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Klaus, Finn and Freya see our Mikaelson

"He has Elijah nose and his chin"Freya said 

"He has Jessica Mouth"Finn said smiling at us 

"Congratulations brother and my sister in law"Finn said still smiling at us 

"Thank you Brother"Elijah said 

I didn't say anything i was too busy staring at my son and how perfect he was, i turned to look at my family members and our friends and mentioned them to come over which they did, once they got closer they faces said it all

"Aw he is so cute you guys"Caroline said 

"Yeah you guys made a cute baby just give me a heads up if you want babysitters me and Caroline will be happy to help"Stefan said smiling 

"Yeah will do to be honest i trust you both with my kid then my own siblings"Elijah said smiling back at them

"Hey hurtful"Rebekah said 

"I was joking"Elijah said while shaking his head at the same time 

After they all saw the baby the ambulance arrived but it was too late i had already given birth but they made sure that the baby was in perfect condition which it was and that i was okay which i was as well, right now all i want is to go home put my baby down for a nap and take a bath and relax then tomorrow i can worry about the wedding,

"Wait what are you guys calling him i don't want to stare at my nephew and call him hi baby boy who's uncle Klaus favorite"Klaus said 

"The baby name is Dylan Mikaelson"I said smiling at my little Dylan

"Aw what a cute name for a cute baby"My mother said 

We all got up and walked out of the church since we didn't have a reason to stay in there so we all went home, as soon as we did Elijah picked up his son who was sound asleep when we go home and took him to our bedroom since that's where his cot was for the time being, he lay him down his cot and walked back over to me and hugged me 

"I'm so proud of you"Elijah said

"Well good i hope you are i carried it for nine months"I said smirking at him

"Shut up and kiss me"He said leaning in as i moved out of the way and over to where my baby boy is i can't take my eyes off of him not even for a minute

"Hey you alright"Elijah said coming up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist from behind

"Yeah just look at him is he gonna be human or a vampire"I said scared

"I don't know but what ever the choice we will deal with it and be happy that our son is here with us"Elijah said 

"Yeah you right i'm just glad he 's here now our family is complete"I said as i turned around facing him 

"Yep how long do you think that our siblings will be knocking on our door wanting to see their nephew and i'm talking about Kol, Rebekah, Klaus, Freya and Finn here"Elijah said 

"About a day and hey if we wake up tomorrow and find out baby missing then we would know who would have it"I said 

"Rebekah or Klaus since he is in love with our son already i think my little brother might be Gay"Elijah said just then i heard Klaus shout up to us  

"I'm not Gay Elijah do you want a dagger in your heart"Klaus said 

"I'm perfectly fine Niklaus i have a family to look after and take care off all of the time"Elijah said 

For the rest of the afternoon and evening me and Elijah just stayed upstairs with our son watching him sleep the only time we left the room was to get food and we had an en-suit so we were fine, who knew that a baby could make everyone so loving towards each other, but at least when my baby boy grows up and he ask where was he born i will say in a church i'm kidding Elijah would kill me if i told our son that he was born in the church when he was but what the our son doesn't know it won't kill him

But what worrying us all is the fact is Dylan gonna be a human or a vampire.

Chapter 17 on way 

Sorry if it's short 

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