Chapter 5:The Answer

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Pic is the Engagement ring

Jessica POV:

Jessica Cullen will you marry me"

Oh my god is he really doing this, i mean i just slapped him for no reason and he forgive me, i should probably say something as he is frowing

"Yes yes a million times yes i'd love to be your wife Elijah"i said to him

Elijah got up and put the ring on my ring finger, then putting his hands on my cheeks looking me in the eyes leaning in to kiss me as i did the same thing as him

We kissed and it was amazing, it last for like 5 minutes as he was enjoying it as much as i did, we pulled away smiling at one another as he sat back down on the bench beside me pulling me into a hug.

"You know ever since we met i have felt this feeling inside of me that i've been waiting to get out of me"i said to him as he looked down at me holding me close since all i was wearing was the dress and it was short sleeved

"What is that darling"He said pulling away to take his jacket off and Put it around my shoulders then pulling me back into a hug

"That i love you"I said to him

"I love you too Darling and i can't wait to marry you and spend the rest of eternity with one another"he said

"We should head back, can't stay here all night"i said to him

He nodded as we standed up and walked back to the mansion holding hands, as we got there we saw the Mystic Fall gang and his family standing outside of the house, the minute we got to the drive way they all looked at us with relief, Rebekah ran towards us the same with Kol and Klaus.

"Thank god your both okay"Rebekah said as she pulled me out of Elijah arms and into hers while Kol and Klaus bro mance Elijah, i pulled away from Rebekah hug and we both walked over to the house front door.

"Jessica glad to see that your alright, you had Rebekah, Kol and Klaus worried and scaried but we knew Elijah would find you"Esther said to me

"I'm sorry i just thought that after what i did, slapping Elijah i thought that you would try to kill me"i said to them as i did i felt someone hand on my lower back and standing beside me

"Darling perhaps we should tell them or at least show them"i heard Elijah say to me as he stood beside me smiling at me

I smiled and holded up my left hand to show them the engament ring and the look on their faces said it all

"Bloody hell congrulations you two"Rebekah said hugging us both at the same time

"Congrates you two"Kol said as he join in the hug

"Welcome to the family Jessica"Klaus said as he did the same as Kol

"We are a creppy bunch, look at us hugging in the street with the Mystic Fall gang and your parents and 2 of your siblings watching us"I said as they laughing at what i said

"Yeah oh and Jess let's get you inside, your freezing and it isn't good for the baby"Klaus said as he pulled away dragging me into the house with him with Elijah staring into him with his i'm gonna kill you glare

"I'm not pregnant Klaus"i said to him

"I know but it's fun to mess with Elijah i mean did you see his face"Klaus said as he put a blanket on me

I noticed that there wasn't any one here expect for me, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Finn, Freya their parents and the Mystic Fall gang, i saw Elijah and the rest of them coming inside and sitting down in the living area

"Now that you guys are engaged, what the plans for the wedding"Caroline said

"Um i have no idea, i just want an outside wedding like my mother did but i want it to be warm so i can jump into the pool after it"i said as they all laughed at me

"Darling we can do that, if it makes you happy it makes me happy, and why don't you give your mother a call let her know"Elijah said to me as he pulled out his phone since mine is in forks because i didn't want to take it

"are you sure"i said as he nodded

I took the phone out of his hand and walked into the ballroom area putting the music on so they didn't hear a word i said or who i was calling. I thought of the one number i could remember and that was...

Phone Covo


Jessica:Jacob it's me Jess

Jacob:Jess oh my god i know it's only been like a day but i miss you like hell right now how are you, is he treating you right, i swear if he isn't i will kick his ass

Jessica:(Laugh)Okay one i'm fine youself and two he is treating me right, i just called you to tell you something but first are you with my family right now

Jacob:Yeah i am they can hear you Jess, your on Loud speaker

Jess Family:Hey Jessica we miss you

Jessica:I miss you all too

Jacob:What do you want to tell us Jess

Jessica:I'm Engaged Elijah propsed to me and i said yes

Jacob:Wow that's amazing congrates

Bella:aw my baby is growing up

Edward:Congratulation Jessica

Jessica:Mum i don't stay a baby for long and thanks Dad even though you are a dick

Esme:Jess when can we see you, you know to help you plan the wedding or what are your ideas

Jessica:Um it's gonna be outside, summer time so that after we get married and kiss and that stuff i can take my wedding dress off and jump in the pool they have

Alice:How romantic when did he propose

Jessica:Well his parents threw a ball to celebrate their son finding a mate, and after we were dancing i paniced and got scared so i slap Elijah and ran off with him chasing after me

Jacob:You slapped him, that's it i'm leaving forks right now and coming to Mystic falls to bring you home

Jessica:No Jake let me finish

Jacob:Okay continue

Jessica:I ran to the town square where he found me sitting on the bench crying, he came over and sat down beside me pulling me into his chest, then after i stopped crying he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and i said yes

Rensemee:I'm so happy for you big sister

Jessice:Ness your there i didn't hear you

Rensemee:That's cause i just came down stairs

Jessica:Oh right um you guys can come down in a couple of weeks since Elijah and i just want it to be us two for a while before our familes start planning our wedding

Carlisle:Yeah that's fine we totally understand Jessica, just remember if you need anything don't hesite to call us okay

Jessica:Okay i have to go, since i'm getting tired now and if i don't go to sleep then i will fall and hit my head on the hard ground bye i love you all expect for you dad

Jessica family:Love you too Jess bye

I hanged up the phone and turned off the music then walked back into the living room to find only Elijah sitting on the couch looking at me as i walked over to him and sat down on his lap

"Everyone else is away to bed oh and the mystic fall gang left after we said that if they touch you we kill them"He said carrying me bride style up stairs and into our bedroom

I guess he could tell that i was tired, we put on our pjs and jumped into bed and into each other arms and fell instanly asleep.

Chapter 6 on way 

A Cullen/Mikaelson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now