Chapter 17:A week later/ Distant Elijah

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Jessica POV:

It has been a week since i gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Dylan Mikaelson and in that week my family went back to forks giving me and Elijah all the best of luck in our marriage and on becoming parents, speaking of Elijah he has been very distant lately he sleeps in the guest room and when Dylan is crying we both get up and go to his nursery together then once he has stopped crying that's it we leave the room and go back to our own rooms, his family are worried about him Klaus said that he has tried talking to him but he isn't saying anything but today it's Rebekah's turn if anyone can get him to open up it's her

"Morning Jess"Klaus said as he entered the living room 

"Morning Klaus"I said smiling at him 

"And good Morning to you too my nephew"Klaus said as he lifted Dylan up from my lap, kissing him on the cheek as Dylan giggled

"Is Rebekah away upstairs to talk to Elijah"I said as Klaus sat down beside me still holding Dylan 

"Yeah she is"Klaus said 

"I don't get it he was fine with me last week what has changed since then"I said looking down

"Hey everything will be fine listen you have a son to worry about here forget about Elijah and focus on your baby boy"Klaus said as i looked up and looked at them as Dylan was staring at me with a smile on his face

I sat there with Klaus then Kol made his way in sitting with us as we made Dylan laughed and smile

Elijah POV:

I was sitting on the guest room bed with my head in my hands thinking about Dylan and Jessica, i was pulled out of my thoughts when a knock came on the door

"Come in"I said without looking up 

I heard the door open then shut again and footsteps walking towards the bed sitting down beside me and someone placing their hand on my should and i knew it was Rebekah, i looked up and looked at her as she was staring at me with an "Explain"Look on her face but i couldn't i didn't even know why i was being distant lately 

"What is it Rebekah"I said still looking at her

"What is it that's it that's all you have to say to me your wife and son are down there with our brothers and your wife is worried about you so can't even think straight yesterday morning Freya found her pouring a blood bag into her son bottle, if Freya hadn't have walked in then god knows what would have happened"Rebekah said 

"She did what"I said looking at her 

"Elijah that's not the point the point is that she is thinking that this distant thing is her fault and she doesn't even know what she has done so get your act together and go downstairs and have some time alone with your wife we will look after Dylan for you"Rebekah said just as she did there was a knock on the door 

Rebekah stood and answered it and as she did when she opened it there stood my wife and son, Rebekah smiled and let them come in and she left the room leaving me, my wife and our son alone, i patted the side of the bed where Rebekah was sitting so Jessica could sit down which she did, i looked at Dylan and saw that he was reaching his arms out for me to take so i placed him on my lap as he cuddled into me and fell asleep in my arms (above picture is Dylan asleep) i looked at Jessica and saw that she looking at Dylan then she looked at me when she saw that i was starring at her 

"I'm sorry for being distant lately it's just something happened last Wednesday something bad and i didn't cheat if that's what your thinking i would never do that to you, i was with Finn and me and him were at the grill when this guy came up to us and told us to follow him since he had said that someone had kidnapped you and Dylan but it was a trap he snapped both of our necks and we woke up in a jail cell and then there we saw that we weren't the only ones there Stefan and Caroline where there they were using us for bait for something we didn't ask what cause they would snap our necks if we did ask so we were there for two days until one day Damon, Elena, Tyler, Kol and Freya came and found us they saved us that's how i have been distant towards you i know it doesn't explain much but i wanted to make sure that i had control over my actions in case i hurt you or our baby boy, i couldn't live with my self if i hurt either one of you please forgive me Jessica"I said as tears felt up my eyes

"Oh Elijah i'm so sorry i thought you left because you didn't want me anymore, i was ready to leave Mystic Falls with Dylan and move back home with my parents and i forgive you just please next time talk to me"Jessica said as she leaned her head on my shoulder

"Have you eaten yet my love"I said as i heard her stomach rumbling

"No Dylan has but i haven't i wanted to make sure you were okay"She said 

"Come one i will put Dylan in our room since the cot is still up then i am going downstairs and making breakfast for us both then bringing back up to our room and we are watching a movie for the whole day until Dylan decide to wake up sound good"I said as we both stood up 

We both made our way out of the guest room and to our bedroom, Jessica opened the door and walked in as i walked over to my sons cot and placed him in it covering him up with his blanket that his auntie Freya got him,i looked at Jessica and saw that she was laying on her side of the bed staring at me, i walked over to her and sat down across from her staring at her back as she smiled 

"What do you want to eat my love"I said 

"Anything just not tuna, Klaus made me a tuna pasta bake for lunch and it was horrible then he read the date and turns out it was out of date so he went and got another one and made it for us for dinner and this time your mother cooked it and it was still horrible, it made me sick i couldn't even hold Dylan without having to run to the toilet to be sick so Rebekah had him for most of the nights"She said 

"Oh Jess why didn't you come to me i don't care if i was distant i still would have took care of you next time tell me okay and how about cereal since it should help you i would say soup but last time i give you that you were sick"I said 

"Yeah cereal is fine"She said as i stood and walked to the door but as i was about to shut the door i heard her say something 

"Love you"She said as i turned and smiled at her 

"Love you too babe"I said and then left the room and went to the kitchen to make the love of my life cereal 

Jessica POV:

I was glad that i had my husband back i have missed him so much, and tonight i will be showing him how much i missed him, i even had an outfit planned out for him, i looked over at Dylan and saw that he was sound asleep that's all he ever does is sleep but i shouldn't complain i mean i love Dylan with all my heart and i can't imagine life without me getting pregnant, i got up and walked over to our DVD's collection and pulled out Elijah's favorite Cheaper By The Dozen 2, when he came back up i was now laying back on the bed under the covers waiting for him to press play in the DVD remote, he got into bed with me and under the covers as we ate our cereal, once we were done he placed the bowls on the chair that was at his side of the bed and played the movie he still didn't know what it is and i wasn't telling him 

Halfway through the movie Dylan woke up crying i was going to get him but Elijah stopped me as he got up and picked Dylan up holding him close to his chest rocking him back and forth, it took Elijah a few minutes to put Dylan back down again, as he did he came back into bed again putting his arm around me as he pressed play on the movie, we spent a lot of time in our room the only time we left was to get Dylan bottles and food for us both and to take plates down to the kitchen where Elijah would wash our dishes leaving his siblings to do their owns when he came back upstairs we just put another film on and another on til we both were sleepy and just when we were both getting into a sleep Dylan wakes up, i got up and walked over to him and picked him up i noticed that he needed his bum changed, so i walked into our bathroom and placed him on the changing bed things and changed him nappy while making baby noise on his stomach causing him to laugh, once i was done changing him i changed in out of his dirty night gown and replaced it with a new one

I walked out of the bathroom with Dylan in my arms as he fell back asleep again and i walked over to his cot and placed him in it covering him back up in his blanket as he was now clean and sound asleep, i walked to mine and Elijah bed climbing back into his arms and pulling the covers over us falling asleep in his arms as they were wrapped around me, guess i will have to wait till tomorrow to give him his present and it's gonna be fun well for me it is for him he will be teased and turned on.

Chapter 18 on way 

sorry it's short its like half one here where i am 


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