Chapter 13: Going Camping

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The Next Morning 

Jessica POV:

I woke up with my neck hurting me, i tried getting up but i kept getting pulled back down again, i looked over at the other side of the bed and saw Elijah laying there with his arms wrapped around me, i poked his face as he moved and turned over with his back facing me i took the time to bolt to the toilet since i need it badly, once i was done i walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen standing beside the counter and calling Caroline, Yeah she gave me her number when we met up and that but she didn't have anything to do with Tyler and Damon kidnapping me

Phone Covo:

Caroline:Hey Jess 

Jessica:Hey Care 

Caroline:Everything alright

Jessica:Yeah everything's fine just wanted to know if you and Stefan wanted to come round for a while 

Caroline:Yeah sure i will give Stefan a call and let him know and we will meet you at the Mikaelson Manor in about an hour 

Jessica:Yeah that's fine oh and bring a sleeping bag and 5 set of clothes with you 

Caroline:Okay do i need to ask why 

Jessica:Nope see you soon Care

Caroline:see ya Jess

I hanged up the phone and felt two arms wrapping themselves around me, i turned around and placed my hands around the person neck and kissed that person on the lips then pulled away staring at Elijah brown eyes

"So i take it we are going camping with Stefan and Caroline"He said 

"Yes we are now be nice it was Damon and Tyler that kidnapped me not them"I said to him as i pulled out of his arms and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of fruit and a blood bag for Elijah to drink

We sat down and ate our food the door went as Elijah got up to answer it as he did i smelt Caroline perfume from in here and it smelted really nice, she walked into the kitchen looking at me smiling as she threw her bag down and ran over to me hugging me but trying not to hurt the baby though

"Jess i'm so glad your alright when Tyler told me what happened i had to make sure you were okay"She said as Stefan and Elijah walked into the kitchen 

"Thanks for being worried Care now can you let me go"I said to her as she let me go

We sat down in the living room since we already had the food and the tent sorted all we need was to pack mine and Elijah bag which he was already doing since i couldn't because he got me pregnant but it is a good thing cause i don't get my period and that but the bad thing is that i can't bend over and put my shoes on i have to get Elijah to do everything for me and it's not fair on him or me for that matter Caroline kept asking me if it was a boy or a girl and i told her it was a girl now stopping asking and then it came to names oh god she knows how to keep a conversation going 

"We haven't decided yet but i was thinking on the names Monica, Rose, Nina and Chantell"I said to them 

"I love all of those names but Rose would suit it best Rose Mikaelson"Caroline said 

"Stefan what about you what name did you like"Caroline said 

"Um Lucy i think that's a pretty nice name to call an original vampire"Stefan said 

Just as he said that Elijah came down the stairs with our bags and the tent i felt bad for not helping him but Stefan did as they went outside to put it in Elijah car since we only had to take the one with us cause we were all coming back here after we have been camping anyways i looked at Caroline and saw that she was staring at Stefan bum i smirked at her and she noticed it 

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