Chapter 1

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(A/N) Before I start, just to say that please don't mind all the typo errors and my sucky english. Too lazy to check for typos😂😂


Today is a big day for me, EXO concert day! I haven't been to their concert before and this is my very first time meeting all of them. I couldn't sleep the whole night because I'm too excited for the concert. Since I still have so much time and I can't fall asleep, why not make use of the time and do a fanboard for my bias, Park Chanyeol? I browse through pictures of him on my phone, smiling like an idiot.

"Awww- My happy virus~" I said with my excited high pitched voice.

Time passes by really fast while I'm doing my fanboard. I checked the time on my phone and realised that I'm only left with less than 5 hours of sleep. I quickly pack everything and went to bed right away.

When the alarm rang in the morning, I quickly jump out of my bed even when I'm so so tired. I packed everything, including my incomplete fanboard and make sure that I didn't miss out anything before heading out of my house excitedly.

I arrived at the concert location and realised that I'm too early. Since I still have about 3 hours before the concert starts, I went to a nearby cafe to have my lunch first.

"I'll have a tuna sandwich and a cup of latte. Thank you!" I thank the counter staff before returning to my seat.

While I'm eating, I saw a tall guy wearing a snapback and a hoodie walked in. I can barely see his face because it's covered up with a mask. He ordered something at the counter and waited at the side.

"One latte please" said the tall guy.

His tall and slender body had me peeking at him over and over again.
"Tall guys are seriously hot." I whispered, trying to act normal and control the fangirling emotion within me.

Right after I finished my meal, I took out my unfinished fanboard and continue with it.

//2hrs later//

"Finally done!" I raised my voice out of excitement then everyone look at me with that judgemental face. I pack my stuff and quickly get out of that awkward situation.

As soon as I got in the concert hall, I already got hyped up along with many EXO-Ls. The concert started with a VCR, then all members appeared on stage after the lightings turn on. Standing on the cool stage, starting the whole concert with 'Overdose'.

"Park Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol!" I cheered along with the fans, holding the fanboard as Chanyeol walk towards my area. He seems to have noticed my fanboard and waved to me, then gave me a thumbs up with his bright smile.

After a slightly more than 2 hours concert, I got out of the concert hall feeling exhausted and hungry from all the screaming and jumping. I make my way back to the same cafe that I went earlier on in the afternoon to have my late dinner.

I sat down with my burger and start devouring it deliciously while looking through the pictures I took during the concert.

"Two iced tea, thank you." I heard a deep voice, look up and saw the same hoodie guy I saw earlier on. I recognised him right away because of his unique outfit. Standing beside him is a shorter guy, simply wearing a beige sweater. Both of them got mask covered over their face, so I barely can see their faces.

They took their iced tea over from the counter staff hand and sat down on the table right beside me. The tall hoodie guy, only revealing his pair of eyes made eye contact with me as he sit down.

"Okay, calm down. But- he made eye contact with me holy shit- his eyes, such turn on." I thought.

I tried to avoid looking at him but I caught myself glancing over at him over the past 10 minutes.

I got shocked by the ringing of my phone and almost spit out the drink in my mouth. I heard the guy in beige sweater giggled as I pick up the call quickly.

Mum : "Where are you? What time is it already? I'm sure the concert ended long time ago!"

Me : "Yeah yeah yeah. Coming back."

I rolled my eyes and hung up the call, quickly pick up my bag and stood up from the chair, without knowing that I left my fanboard there.

"Hey!" The guy in beige called for me as I walk away. "Is this yours?" He held the fanboard and saw whatever that was on it.

"Oh yeah!" I quickly snatch the fanboard back as it's kinda embarrassing. "Th-thank you." I said. As I'm about to walk past the hoodie guy, we made eye contact again. I look away and quickly make my way out there, but tripped by the hoodie guy feet that were slightly facing outwards. Just as I was about to fall, he held me right away.

"Be careful." Said the beige sweater guy. "Oh and, nice fanboard you have there." He continued and then pulled down his mask a little.

"S-s-suho?" My jaw dropped the moment I saw his face.

"Shhh." He shushed me and smiled brightly.

I turn towards the hoodie guy to see if he's actually another EXO member. Suho reach out his hand and pulled down the hoodie guy mask and I literally almost fainted right there.

"C-c-chan-!?" I almost shouted out his whole name but was stopped by him. He covered my mouth and pull me down to sit on the chair beside then pulled up his mask to covered his face back.

"Hyung, let's go." He signal Suho to go with a slight frown.

"W-wait. Can I get a signature?" I asked nervously but politely.

"Sorry, no." He said and rolled his eyes before dragging Suho out. Suho waved to me with a smile on his face before pulling his mask back on.

"I only asked for a signature... " I thought, with flashback image of Chanyeol rolling his eyes.


" I wasn't dreaming yesterday about the encounter with Suho and Chanyeol yesterday right? " I woke up after my alarm went off and mumbled.

30mins later, still lying on my bed looking at the pictures I took yesterday. "Ya! What time is it already?! Get your ass off your bed!" My mum shouted outside my room. "Yeah yeah! I know!" I got up unwillingly and went to wash up.

"Today is your first day in your new school, you better study harder and stop doing stupid and meaningless things in class everyday. You know, such as looking at the pictures of your whatever idol." My mum nagged as usual.

I arrived at your new school, Seoul National University. It's a pretty famous school but thankfully, I managed to get my ass in because of my slightly good results. Even though it's not my first year in high school, it's still my first day here. "I can do this." I mumbled, took a deep breath and walked in.

After I'm done with some administration stuff, my homeroom teacher, Mr Kim brought me to my new classroom. When I walked into the class for the first time, whispering can be heard everywhere. "Please introduce yourself." Mr Kim whispered beside me.

"An-annyeonghaseyo, my name is Lee Eunhyun. It's nice meeting all of you! P-Please take care of me." I bowed. I tried to sound as cheerful as possible but I obviously failed.

"Your seat is over there." Mr Kim pointed at a seat next to a guy who was putting his head on the table, probably sleeping. I quietly sat down beside him, with everyone's eyes on me.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Another guy beside me exclaimed. I greeted him back and look away, without realising who I just saw. I look at him again and realised, it's Kim Junmyeon, also commonly known as Suho of EXO.

"Holy shi-" I covered my mouth in shock. "A-am I d-dreaming?!" I raised my voice a little. The guy beside who was sleeping earlier on woke up and stretched his arms before turning his head towards me.

"Ya- Shut up." He revealed his face and guess what? It's Park Chanyeol. "Oh-My-Lord." My jaw dropped when I saw his face. Slowly, one by one each member turn towards me and let out a big smile, except of Chanyeol who is sitting beside me. He simply gave an annoyed face and then returned to his sleeping position.

"How do I even focus in class when I have such cutie right beside me?" I whispered but he seems to have heard me, raising his head from the table with a frown.

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