Chapter 3

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On the exact same day after I told him to do the project together, we both went to the school library to complete the project.

"You will find information on this and I will do this." I said.

He switched on his laptop, without giving much response and started his project silently.

The next day, the both of us met up after school as well, to try and finish our project, hoping that we won't need to affect our weekends free time.

"I have to go and pay my school fees, I'll meet you at the library later?" I said and went off to the general office.

After I'm done with it, I went to the library straight. To find him sitting there, with his head on the table, his usual position.

"Sleeping again." I whispered as I sat down infront of him. I lay my head on the table as well, admiring his beautiful face. Then decided to not wake him up as he's sleeping soundly. I started with the project alone for about 20mins until he finally woke up.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. You should've wake me up" He yawned.

"It's alright." I smiled a little then continued with my work as he start with his.

"Where are you going?" He asked when I stood up suddenly. "Washroom." I replied, moving out of the seat and tripped over the table leg. He held me just right before I land on the floor. Instead of pulling me back on my feet successfully, he end up falling with me. We landed on the floor, with him on top of me, staring at me while I do the same, staring at him.

"S-s-sorry. You o-okay?" He said, getting up immediately without having any eye contact with me.

"Ye-yeah. I'm going to the washroom." I said and went out of the library to get out of that awkward situation.

As the days goes by, Chanyeol's playful and happy personality starts appearing. The members said that he's only like this infront of me but I highly doubt so. The both of us are kinda like close friend already?

"Why are you such an asshole in the past though?" I suddenly thought of it and asked him. He simply laughed and said, "I just hate it when people don't respect my privacy. I thought you're some kind of sasaeng so..."

"Oh wow. Do I seriously look like one?" I said. "Honestly, yeah." He giggled then quickly apologised when I slap him real hard on his arm.

Even though he said so, I know it's not the real reason behind his cold attitude towards people.

//Flashback to 1 week ago//

"Is there a reason behind his cold personality? Or is he really like this since the beginning?" I asked Suho, who was sitting right beside you during the sports lesson as Chanyeol was playing basketball.

"Well, he wasn't like this during our trainee days. But ever since he dated a girl and got dumped, he stop trusting people. He starts being cold towards everyone, I guess that is his way to keep people out." Suho explained.

"Dumped?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, he got dumped by that girl. That girl got together with Chanyeol's childhood friend and left him. This is why he doesn't want to make anymore friends. I'm glad that he's actually letting new people in his life, just like you." He said.

//End of flashback//

As tomorrow is our presentation day for your project, the both of us stayed back in school to practice. It ended at about 9pm and then we head back home while he went to practice with the members.

"Call me when you reached home." He said, before leaving.

He turn towards the right, while I turn to the left. After separating for about 5mins, I took out my earphones from my bag and plug it in. As I wasn't paying much attention to the pathway, I slipped and fell down. There's a small cut on my knee and sprained my ankle.

"What a rotten luck." I tried to stand up slowly and walk towards the bench at the side. The sprained ankle hurts even more after resting for awhile. I've been sitting there in the cold weather for almost 1 hour already.

My phone start ringing, saw the caller id wrote : Park Chanyeol
Then I remembered that I'm suppose to call him when I reached home.

Chanyeol : "Hello? Where are you? Didn't I ask you to call me when you reached home?"

Me : "Uhh- I'm not home yet. I-"

Chanyeol : "What? Then where are you?"

Me : "Uhh- The park near my house."

Chanyeol : "For?"

Me : "So... I fell and sprained my ankle."

Chanyeol : "I'll be there right away."

Me : "Actually you don't need-"

He hung up the call before I even finish my sentence. After about 10mins, I saw someone running towards me.

"Are you okay?" He stopped right infront of me, squated down and look at my ankle.

"Ou-ouch" I move my ankle a little when he touched my ankle.

"Are you dumb? Don't you know how to call me? How long have you been sitting here?" He raised his voice a little, attention still on my swollen ankle.

"Uhh- about 1 hour?" I said, avoid looking at him because I know I'll probably get scolded.

"Fucking pabo!" He said and took off his coat, placing it on me before turning around showing his back to me. "Get up." He continued and pointed to his back. "Faster?!" He shouted when I'm hesitating.

"Okay okay. You don't have to be so loud." I said and hop on to his back.

"You're the dumbest person on earth."  He said while carrying me back home.

"What happened?" My mum opened the door and quickly usher the both of us in.

"I sprained my ankle, so he carried me back home." I said and signal him to quickly put me down. He ignored my request and went straight to my room, before putting me down on my bed.

"I'll go now. Rest well. Call me if it still hurts badly tomorrow." He said, bowed to my mum and then left.

"W-wait. Isn't he that idol you have all around your walls?" Your mum look around the posters on your room wall in shock.

"Yeah, he is." I said and no idea why I started smiling.

"Wait-what." She got her mouth wide opened and looking at me shockly.

The next morning, I woke up still with that swollen ankle. "Mum! Can I not go to school today?" I shouted on my bed. My mum came in right away, probably gonna start scolding but saw my swollen ankle and went speechless. "Whatever." She said and went out.


The doorbell rang then I heard the door opened, with some talking outside before my room door opened.

"Ya- y-your park chanyeol is here." My mum said nervously, then let Chanyeol come into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, staring at him blankly.

"I bought this for your ankle." He took out a bottle of ointment from his bag.

"For me?" I asked.

"Yeah, does your ankle still hurts?" He asked as he walk towards me.

He lift up my leg gently, placing in on his thigh and pour some ointment onto his palm then gently massage my sprained area.

"So kind." I smiled.

"I'm just doing this to make sure you're back in school tomorrow for our presentation. I don't want to drag it any longer." He's always denying his kindness and replaced it with mean words.

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