[13] telepathy

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Sorry for the late chapter! I had to help prep for my dad's birthday this morning, then I had volleyball camp from 12:30-4, then we had to celebrate my dad's birthday. I tried to write at every opportunity so I could get something out for you guys! Here it is!




- Jin's POV


Jin learned a lot after an hour of reading his spellbook. Sure, at first look, it looked like a short read. But when you opened it, there were more pages than meets the eye. The introduction was all about mana and spell usage. Chapters about the different branches of magic followed it. After that, levels of spells. Wandless magic next. Then the spells and incantations. Magical plants, herbs, and where to find them. Finally, potions and remedies.

Long, right? Jin was only halfway through when Okward came back with Ross, Shelby, and Sky. Sky looked surprise when he saw Jin still reading his spellbook.

Jin didn't know why. He had a hard time falling asleep. Maybe it was the irrational feeling that his father would find him and execute him for being part of the Seven.

He decided he wanted to put some of the things he read about to the test.

Jin quietly crept out of the hut, passing all of his sleeping friends. He wasn't worried that he would be in danger. Jin knew Sky would be sleeping with one eye open, especially now that they were part of the Seven.

Once Jin successfully made it outside without waking anyone up, he quietly summoned his wand and spellbook.

He stood there for a moment, thinking about his past life. His father? No, Jin knew his father would hunt him down at the last chance. His mother. Jin missed her, and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Jin decided he would bring up the topic in the morning. His head guard? No, his head guard was just waiting for a moment to assassinate the whole royal family. Jin and Sky both knew it, part of the reason why they went monster-fighting under the cover of darkness.

Now that Jin was thinking about it, Jin had met every member of the Seven at some point in his life. He remembered following his father to the bakery that Shelby worked at (well, really owned), to give her the "Stamp of Approval." Jin saw Cory leaping from roof to roof once. He hadn't known he was the Camera-Masked Thief. Once, he even saw Nick trailing behind Cory, when the orphanage was taking their annual "field trip."

He saw Ross standing awkwardly behind his parents, who were selling eggs at the farmer's market. (He was pretty sure he saw Cory, again, swiping some items there.) Jin saw Max and his adoptive parents at the market, too, Max scowling at everything.

Funny, he thought, it was like destiny brought us all together.

Yes, Jin, destiny did bring you together, said a voice in his head.

Woah, what? Jin stumbled back. What was that?

Look down, Jin.

Jin looked down. Nothing but the ground, Jin thought. Must've been my imagination.

Actually, I'm right here, in your hand.

Jin raised both of his hands. Which one?

The left one.

Jin felt confused. Wait, my spellbook is talking to me telepathically?

Yes, Jin, your spellbook is talking to you telepathically. I can read your thoughts, as well as communicate with you. But, only you can hear me. If you wish, then only you can open me, as well.

Jin grinned. This will be interesting.

Yes, yes it will.

Can you tell me the benefits of having a telepathic spellbook?

Well, this "telepathic spellbook" can flip to any page immediately, rather than having you frantically attempt to find it while one of the Seven is dying right before your eyes.

Jin blushed. You were there?

Of course I was there, Jin. You almost ripped my pages with your lousy page turning skills. You only need to ask, and I will flip to the correct page.

Can I test it out? Jin asked.

Of course.

Flip to... a Level 3 healing spell.

The book opened automatically, flipping through pages before settling on the correct one.


Impressive, correct? You are a much better Seven of Spells then the last one. He absolutely refused my help, like the arrogant hero he was! So, what about you, Jin? Will you accept?

Jin nodded. Of course!

The spellbook glowed purple, as if it were satisfied with Jin, which, of course, it was.

"This is so cool," Jin said out loud.

"Jin? What are you doing up so early?" someone asked.

Jin turned and saw Sky leaning against one of the wooden beams decorating the bridge to the hut.

"Oh, couldn't sleep," Jin said.

"Ah, I noticed when you walked out of the hut at around midnight." Sky nodded to the glowing spellbook. "Wanna tell me what's so cool?"

Jin shuffled his feet nervously. "I think I'll tell everyone at once, when they're awake."

Sky grinned. "Good plan."

"You know what time it is?" Jin asked.

Sky looked up at the sky. "I think it's about... 3 am?"

"What are you doing up at 3 am?" Jin gestured to Sky.

Sky shrugged. "I could be asking you the same question."

"Touché," Jin said.

Sky pointed at the hut. "You wanna go back inside and at least get a little rest? Even if you can't fall asleep you should at least lay down."

Jin smiled. "That sounds like a good idea. You coming?"

Sky shook his head. "I got all the sleep I need. All that guard training is finally kicking in."

Jin raised his eyebrows. "Finally?"

Sky rolled his eyes. "I meant, that when I was a guard, I had the hardest time waking up because of, well, you know."

"Yeah, whatever, I'm just going to go get some shut eye. If I can," Jin added.

"Good luck, man," Sky clapped Jin on the back as he passed him.

Jin collapsed on his makeshift bed of pillows, the snoring of the others proving that only he and Sky were awake at that time. He ended up having a staring contest with the ceiling.

Eventually, the ceiling won, and Jin let himself be carried away to the land of dreams.

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