[30] meeting

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I really like the song above. It's for one of the Undertale AUs, called "Underswap." This song is called "Disbelief." It's for the GRRRRREAT PAPYRUS' Genocide Route Theme. Basically, the GRRRRREAT PAPYRUS' version of Megalovania. Anyways, on with the chapter!





- Max's POV -


There was a long table with a lot of chairs around it. Max did a quick count. 

20 chairs.

Sky whistled appreciatively. "That's a lot of chairs."

"For a lot of people,' Jin said.

Sierra took a seat. They all sat down, one by one. Okward by the head of the table. Joel next to Okward. Sky next to Joel. Jin next to Sky. Ross next to Jin. Shelby next to Ross. Cory next to Shelby. Nick next to Cory. Max next to Nick. They waited for a few minutes.

Finally, the door burst open.

Nathan came through, panting. "Sorry, Sierra. It took longer than I thought to get everybody here and get replacement guards for Ember and Jamie. But we're here now!"

Maddie walked in, still comparing notes with Prim when they took their seats. Liam and Tyler followed; Liam shuffling the index cards he was holding, while Tyler scowled at Nathan as he passed.

Ember had taken off her helmet. She had vibrant green eyes and black hair. Her face was expressionless as she walked silently to her seat.

Jamie had also taken off his helmet. He had a mischievous smile that would make most teachers say, "Oh no you don't!" and put the student in the front row, right in front of the teacher's desk. His hair was black, but dyed red at the tips. He took a seat next to Nathan.

Finally the refugees came in. Cathy flashed a brilliant smile at them all as she sat down by Max. Max scowled and scooted closer to Nick.

Yurie and Willow came in next, well, Yurie was kind of dragging Willow up the stairs. They sat down by their friend.

Last of all, two people walked up the stairs. One was a woman with blonde hair, wearing a lab coat. The other one was a man who had brown hair and a strong build. He was wearing the same armor as Nathan and Jamie. 

The woman stood by the head of the table, next to the man. "Hello!" she chirped. "I'm Jen, and this is my husband, Pat. We're the Leaders of the Live Rebels."

Max felt confused. "Wait, I thought that was the First Seven."

Jen shook her head. "The First Seven is the founder of the Live Rebels. Every decade, a new leader is chosen. We're going to be replaced soon, and we're kind of excited, because then we can focus on family. We're busy going through entries for the leader, but we'll make space for war."

She looked over at Joel, and gave him a big smile. "Joel! Good seeing you."

Joel grinned. "You too, Jen. Pat."

"Ma'am? Sir?" asked Tyler. "With all due respect, why do we have to be here? All I know is that Teller grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me up these stairs with a bunch of other people."

"Hey! I didn't grab you by the wrist, I grabbed your upper arm!" Nathan protested.

"Whatever, Teller," grumbled Tyler.

"Nathan, Tyler," Pat said, his voice taking on a serious tone. "No fighting during meetings."

"Yes, sir," they muttered.

Jen took something out of her pocket and placed it on the table. It was a black cube with a bright blue button and a camera lens on the top. She pressed the blue button. A hologram flickered to life above the table. She pointed to it. "This is a map of the Evil's headquarters, or Evil HQ. The Head Room is here. Heath Zandar, his Second-in-Command, and a group of their top scientists all work there. Here is the Portal Room. Here, any authorized member of the Evil can teleport into any room instantly."

Sky snapped his fingers. "Lord Aphmau, she suddenly appeared in the room we were fighting in, but no doors or passageways opened. The Portal Room would explain it."

"Yeah," Pat continued. "If we can shut down the Portal Room, then the element of surprise will no longer be on their side." He pointed to a different section of the map. "Here is the soldiers' and workers' living quarters. We can ignore that. Here is the Entrance Room. That is where you were fighting against the Pack."

"Our main focuses will be in the Portal Room and the Head Room. Now, Okward, I have many guards who are willing to fight, as well as rebels who are able and willing to fight just this once. I think the best way to approach this is to split your team in half."

"I have no problem with it, Pat, Jen," Okward said. "As long as they are okay with it as well. But, may I ask, why?"

Jen pointed to the Portal and Head room. "These are our focuses. We need half of your team to go to the Portal Room, first. We'll send half of our army, as well. Then, we need the other half, with the Seven of Love, to go find all remaining members of the Pack and the Arcane Seven and turn them back. After that, we'll regroup and attack the Head."

Max studied the map. He raised his hand. "Sorry, but, where would the Arcane Seven be?"

Maddie spoke up. "Our researcher, Tyler, hacked into the Evil's camera system. We know that Lord Aphmau spends most of her time in the Portal Room. Mitch is most likely in the training room. Jerome's probably with Mitch. Barney goes with Lord Aphmau. The only place Red is seen in is the Head Room. Lizzie is either in her room or standing guard, and--"

"Wait, wait, wait," Cory said, waving his hands. "From what it sounds like, most of the people we're aiming to turn back are in separate places." He turned to Shelby. "Can you turn multiple people back if they're in the same room?"

Shelby shrugged. "I don't know. I've never tried to turn someone back before, but my gut instinct tells me it'll be easier if I use a burst of energy on one group of people instead of one person at a time. I also think it'll take less time."

"Then we need to alter the plan," Cory continued. "I think Shelby should only have to turn people back twice."

"Why twice?" Sierra asked. "Why not once?"

"Because we need to get Lizzie back on our side before anybody else," Joel answered.

"We need to battle at least one other person, so they alert the Evil. When we charge the Head, we can turn the Arcane Seven and the Pack," Cory said.

Jen nodded. "I like it. Do you?" She looked at her husband.

Pat shrugged. "Can't think of anything better."

"Right then!" Jamie shouted, standing up. "Nathan, Sierra, Ember, and I will tell the guards the new plan. We'll gather and arm everybody who can fight and is willing to fight." He looked pointedly at Yurie. 

Maddie caught on. "Tyler, help the scientists hack into the Evil's camera system. I want every camera up on the monitors, so we can help with the war effort."

"Yurie, Willow, and I can gather all the refugees who want to help!" Cathy offered. "I'm sure the refugees who can't fight also want to help, so I can get some of the smarter ones to help with the cameras, and maybe they can help hand out armor and weapons!"

Jen nodded. "This is perfect! Everybody, to your stations. Maddie, Nathan, Cathy: you three are in charge of alerting your respective groups. Tell them the new plan. The rest of you, go with them."

They all filed out of the meeting room and ran down the stairs.

Sky looked around. "Well, we don't really have a group to go to, so I'm just going to assume we're done for today. See ya!"

He ran off before anybody could stop him.

Max, letting his curiosity getting the better of him, followed him. He ran down the hall and peeked around the corner. Sky and Alesa were talking and blushing in a vacant room. 

Max smiled to himself and walked away.

The Evil ~ YouTuber Fanfiction ~ (Book 1 of the Arcane Powers)Where stories live. Discover now