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how many slytherins does it take to screw a light bulb

5.1 to screw the light bulb and 4 to say with their fathers connection at the ministry they could screw it faster

Whats snapes boggart?

and he was like what?

And i said " A cauldron full of Shampoo!"

.-Knock, knock

-Who's there?


-Cornelius who?

-Well, that's politics for you.........

Q: How many wizards does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None — wizards don’t use electricity!

Q: How many Death Eaters does it take to stir a cauldron?

A: Just one — he puts his wand in the cauldron and the earth revolves around him.

Why did the Weasel cross the road?

Somebody tossed a knut.

Why did Potter cross the road.

No reason, but someone will write a book about it.

Why did Draco cross the road?

So he could swing his hips at Potter.

Why did Crabbe and Goyle cross the road?

Draco did.

Why did the Dark Lord cross the road?

Because Potter couldn't stop him.

Why did Death Eaters cross the road?

The Dark Lord ordered it.

Why did Trevor cross the road?

To get away from Longbottom.

Why did Dumbledore cross the road?

He was following the poisoned lemon drops.

Why did Professor Snape stand in the road?

So no one could tell what side he was on.

Why do Slytherins cross the road twice?

Because we are doublecrossers.

How many Purebloods does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

What's a lightbulb?

How many witches does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None, the Wizarding World doesn't use lightbulbs.

How many wizards does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two. One to hold the bulb. One to rotate the room.

How many Muggles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One. It is the only thing they are good for.

How many aurors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

The Dark Lord already killed the ones with that kind of know-how.

How many Weasels does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Weasels don't screw in a lightbulb. They screw in the Burrow.

How many Gryffindors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Three and you know who they are.

How many Ravenclaws does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

They all starve to death in the dark with books in their hands.

How many Slytherins does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One to blackmail a Hufflepuff.

How many Hufflepuffs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

All of them.

Why did the Hufflepuff charm her hair blonde?

To look intelligent.


Why did the Hufflepuff return his House tie?

It was too tight.


Did you hear about the Hufflepuff who gave his Kneazle a bath?

He is still trying to get the fur off his tongue.


What do you call a Hufflepuff with one brain cell?



What do you call a Hufflepuff with two brain cells?



Three girls, a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, and a Slytherin are all first years- which is the sexiest?

The Hufflepuff because she is seventeen.


A blind wizard walks into a pub. He says to the barkeep, "Want to hear a Hufflepuff joke?" The pub goes completely silent. The barkeep says, "Sir, I am a Hufflepuff. I'm used to handling a rough crowd alone. I have my wand drawn. The wizard to your left is an auror with his wand drawn. He too is a Hufflepuff. The witch on your right has her wand drawn. She is a dueling champion and also a Hufflepuff. Are you absolutely certain you want to tell that Hufflepuff joke?"

The blind wizard says, "Gods no! Not if I'm going to have to explain it three times!"

What do you get when you cross Crookshanks with McGonagall

Really ugly kittens


What do you get when you cross Sirius Black with Remus Lupin?

Really stupid puppies


What do you get when you cross a Ravenclaw with the infirmary?



What do you get when you cross Trevor with Cho Chang?

Toad in the hole


What do you get when you cross The Dark Lord with Harry Potter?



What do you get when you cross Trelawney with the giant squid?

Ten-handed rummy

How many Chasers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

The three of us can do it together.

How many Beaters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two: one to hit the bulb with his bat, the other to see what's going on, hit the first with his bat, and then change the lightbulb.

How many Keepers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They'll just suffer through in the darkness and angst about it.

How many normal Seekers does it take to change a lightbulb?

One, but he gets a hundred and fifty points for it.

How many Potters does it take to change a lightbulb?

One: he holds it and the world revolves around him.

How many Slytherins does it take to light a wand?

Just one, really, but he has to be accompanied by two thugs *cough* *cough* Crabbe and Goyle *cough* *cough* and an ugly girl *cough* Pansy *cough* that grows on his arm

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