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A/N: Hi everyone, first of all thank you so much for giving this a read. I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter and continue on with reading until the end. For this novel, I'm going to be trying something new. For those who have read some of my past works, this is going to be a bit... more out there, shall I say. I'm really going to try and step out of my comfort zone with this story so expect some weird and odd situations. Don't worry I won't take it that far, if you know what I mean. Nothing Rated R. Most of those scenes will be cut off before things go too far.

Also this is the first rough draft of Flawless. There will be mistakes throughout this entire novel. Minimal editing was done. I will go back and edit this novel once it is completely finished and I have some spare time.

Again, this if the first rough draft of Flawless. Please ignore any mistakes.

Anyways, again, thank you and I hope you like it. :)

. ♥



                It was odd really, how a year and a half ago you'd find me and my best friend Savannah curled up on her bed watching a Duck Dynasty marathon, and how a year ago you'd find us attending high school parties, drinking, smoking and rebelling against our parents.

                Now, we were running down a dark alleyway, our heavy breathing mixing in with the sound of distant voices and cars blaring their horns. Even at half past midnight, people still lingered on the streets of the city. We took that to our advantage as Savannah and I slipped out of the dark alley and into the brightly lit streets of New York City.

                Immediately, we were both engulfed into the mass of people. Our bodies slammed into a couple who couldn't be any older than we were, their annoyed expressions were clearly visible underneath the yellow streetlamps as they glanced over their shoulders to see who had run into them.

                The girl opened her mouth to snap something witty at us but was cut off by a deep voice. Immediately, I turned my head to cast a look behind me, and regretted it the moment my eyes landed on the source of the voice. At the end of the alleyway we had just ran out of, was the person we had been running away from for the past twenty minutes.

                "Shit," I hissed, my hand quickly slipping into Savannah's. "C'mon let's go!"

                With that, we were running, again. Our feet hit the pavement with force, our heavy breathing clearly visible in the late December weather. Weaving through the crowd, we dodged by-standers and cut corners hoping to lose the persistent asshole who wouldn't give up.

                It wasn't until the crowd began to thin out and the streets began to look familiar that we slowed down to a walk. Parked cars lined up against the curb, trashcans lingered on the side of the roads and stray animals roamed the streets, walking in the middle of the road as if they owned the street. We were in familiar territory and no sign of anybody running after us was heard as we walked down our neighborhood.

                "Do you think we lost him?" Savannah asked before she glanced over her shoulder. A strand of her long dark hair flew onto her face and with an almost immediate reaction, she pushed it away, her black nail polished nails contrasting with her pale skin.

                I shrugged and pulled the hood to my black sweater over my head before I stuffed my hands into the pockets, "I'm pretty sure we did."

                We walked in silence for awhile, the distant noise of car horns blaring and trashcan's being tipped over filled the void silence between us. It wasn't until after we had crossed the street that led right up to Savannah's apartment building that a noise coming from one of us broke the pause.

                Savannah giggled, a wide grin spreading across her thin lips before a full out cackle escaped. In that moment, I had thought she had gone mad, but it wasn't until she slid her hand out of her leather jacket pockets and revealed a pack of Marlboro cigarettes that I realized why she had begun laughing out of thin air.

                "I can't believe that idiot chased us ten blocks just for a pack of cigs," she said after her fit of laughter died out. The wide grin still evident on her young face greeted me as she handed me the box. We stood before her apartment building; the florescent lobby lights greeted us as she opened the door, one foot on the lobby tile while the other was still planted onto the sidewalk that I stood on.

                As my fingers clasped around the soft package, I shook my head and let a soft laugh escape through my lips. "I can't believe you fucking stole them when I was clearly reaching into my pocket to pay for them." I replied.

                Savannah laughed; this time it was short and light. She shrugged her shoulders before she fully stepped into the building. However, it wasn't until mere seconds before she walked away that she glanced over at me with a wicked grin and replied, "The night was dull."

                It was sometime between the Friday nights that we stayed home and the nights that we partied, that life began to change for Savannah and I. It was as if we both knew we needed a change in life if we wanted to enjoy our teenage years. So from one day to another it was as if a switched had been flipped.

                We went from innocent wallflowers at school, to well-known party girls in the little time of a year and a half. No one knew the real reason why we changed. It was beyond the simple need of excitement in our lives. It was beyond wanting to experience everything, both the good and the bad of living life.

                But the reason I changed, played a deeper role into the person who I had become.

                No one other than Savannah knew the real reason why I found the need to change. The need to peel off the innocent skin that I once wore and turn into the person I was now. I promised myself I would never reveal the real reason why I changed to anyone else who wasn't Savannah. But then Grey Mathews re-entered my life, and the flawless persona I had created for myself years prior became harder to keep up around him.

                I knew I had to be strong, fearless; flawless. I knew I had to keep up my front no matter what, because if I didn't my entire world would fall apart right at the seams.

                Little did I know, no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried to keep Grey Mathews as far away from me as possible, nothing would be able to stop my life from crashing and burning right before my eyes.

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