Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

                I was trying to fight my way out of the hole I had dug myself and jumped into when Hailey landed herself in a coma. The struggle I had gone through to perfect my image was all for nothing as I spent more and more time with Grey.

                With him around, I found it difficult to keep up the front I had mastered years ago.

                Around him, gone was the flawless Holland with no emotions and in her place was someone I didn’t even know.

                Instead of going around the city, running from store owners because Savannah had decided that stealing a pack of cigarettes would be fun, drinking my own body weight in alcohol and smoking away my problems like I had originally been doing, I was hanging out with Grey.

                Sure my entire lifestyle hadn’t changed just because I had finally realized that a small part of me actually liked having Grey Mathews around, but some habits had become things I did on certain occasions. I honestly had no idea why I was even letting myself spend time with someone who I knew I would only hurt in the end, but having him close filled a part of me that had been empty for two years.

                With my brother dead and sister in a coma, I had nothing left of them- nothing except Grey.

                Grey was the closest thing I had to my siblings.

                He was Henry’s best friend and Hailey’s as well.

                I knew it was terribly wrong of me, to feel something for my sister’s ex-boyfriend, but I couldn’t help it. The butterflies swarmed in the depths of my stomach whenever I would spend a bit of time with him, and I wasn’t sure whether it was because I thought as if any minute that Grey was around Henry and Hailey would come bounding into the room, or because I actually felt more than I should for him.

                I liked Grey, I honestly did, but I wasn’t about to admit that out-loud.


                “What are you thinking about?” Savannah asked as fell onto the sofa and placed her feet onto my lap. Her neon orange and yellow socks were noticeable against my black skinny jeans; the colors putting me under some sort of trance.

                I shrugged as I kept my gaze locked on her bright colored socks.

                “Nothing,” I lied.

                Hailey was on my mind.

                The fact that I hadn’t seen her in so long was killing me. Usually I was able to avoid thinking about it. The amount of alcohol I consumed when I thought about her made it hard for guilt to eat at me. But now that I was sober, my thoughts were taking advantage and were nagging at me.

                How selfish could I be?

                My sister was in a coma and I couldn’t even think about her.

                “Hol,” Savannah said as she snapped her fingers trying to catch my attention. “Seriously, what’s up? And don’t say ‘nothing’ because if you do, I will slap you.”

                I humorlessly laughed and looked up to meet my best friends gaze. She was studying me intently, her dark eyes slightly narrowed as she tried to pick me apart and figure out what was bothering me. I could see the wheels turning in her head, calculations being made as well as assumptions.

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