Chapter 15

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A/N: Dedicated to Cezzy98 for the awesome banner to the side! Thank you again for making it, it looks awesome! :)



Chapter 15


                “She isn’t here,” Savannah said arms folded across her chest. She stood against the door frame of Holland’s apartment, her brown hair up in some kind of weird half bun, half pony tail thing. “She left a few hours ago.”

                “To work?” I asked running a hand over my hair.

                She bit her lip and shrugged, “She didn’t say.”

                “Do you know when she’s going to come back?”

                Savannah sighed and shook her head before she took a step aside and motioned for me step into the apartment. I hesitated for a brief moment before I took a few steps forward and walked into the apartment.

                Much like Ruben’s home, the floor plan mirrored his. As soon as you entered you were already in the living room, behind was a kitchen that connected both rooms and to the left was a hallway that led towards the bedroom. Although the floor plan was exactly like every other apartment in the building, the interior design was different. It had a homey kind of feeling to it, though it wasn’t exactly home.

                There was a certain warmth to the atmosphere, yet a certain bitterness to it also.

                “She went out for a walk,” she said as she shut the door behind her. “She should be back soon.”

                “It’s nearly ten at night,” I stated.

                “She’s fine,” she said as she sat down on the couch. “So, why are you here anyways? Didn’t she tell you to fuck off?” she asked as she pulled her sleeves over her hands.

                I stood by the door, hands stuffed in my jean pockets feeling a bit awkward. It had been years since I had last spoken to this girl who sat before me, and just like her best friend she had changed.

                “In so many words,” I replied.

                Savannah snorted out a laugh in disbelief and shook her head. “Persistent aren’t you? Why do you want to be a part of Holland’s life so badly?” she asked me.

                I shrugged and looked around the room taking in its organized state. Everything was in place and situated to a certain spot. Holland had always been a bit OCD when it came to having things cleaned.

                “I don’t know,” I replied truthfully, and I didn’t. I didn’t know why I kept trying to be a part of her life when she clearly didn’t want me in it.


                Savannah left the apartment the moment Holland stepped into the living room and spotted me. Her blonde hair was wind-blown, her waves a tangled mess underneath the red knitted beanie she wore. Her cheeks were flushed a rose red and her lips were chapped. Her swollen eyes connected with mine and we remained in silence for a few minutes after the front door had slammed shut. Savannah was long gone- giving us privacy.

                “What are you doing here?” she said, her voice hesitant but cold.

                I stared at her and leaned forward in my seat, what was the point in making small talk? Every time I had tried to do that in past got me nowhere. So I inhaled and clasped my hands together as my elbows rested on my knees.

                “Why are you so set on keeping me out of your life?” I asked her. “Why won’t you let me be your friend?”

                Holland scoffed and began to unwrap her grey scarf from her neck, “Friend?” she retorted. “You want to be my ‘friend’?”

                I narrowed my eyes in confusion, why did she act like that was so hard to believe?

                “Yes,” I replied. “I do.”

                Holland tossed her black coat onto the loveseat by the door and left the scarf hanging from around her neck as she took a few steps into the kitchen. “Why?” she asked.

                What was with everyone asking ‘why’ lately?

                Before I could reply, Holland beat me to the punch and continued talking. “Henry is dead and you and Hailey aren’t dating. You have no obligation to talk to me or pretend you give a damn. I’ve told you to leave me alone. I’ve given you a free escape! Why don’t you listen? Do you feel bad? Is that what it is, Grey? Do you feel bad because Henry fucking died and you dumped my sister?”

                “I DON’T PITY YOU!” I screamed. I was standing and so close to her it was hard to believe that I had crossed the living room in three steps. My hands were fisted and I could feel my body growing warm.

                I was pissed.

                “I don’t fucking pity you.” I said again, each word coming out slower and a lot more calmly.

                Holland looked up at me, her blue-grey eyes staring up at me in shock. I wanted to cheer as I saw something other than frustration and anger in her fucking eyes. She was shocked at my out-burst, hell, so was I.

                “I’m not trying to be your friend because Henry died or because in some sick and twisted way, I feel as if I need to be your friend because your sister and I didn’t work out. Ever thought that I just want to your friend because I actually want to?”

                Something in her eyes clicked, as if a small part of her actually believed me. But I knew her- or rather I knew what someone like her was probably thinking.

                She wanted to believe me, yet the part of her that had trust issues wouldn’t let her. She softly placed a hand on my chest and with little effort pushed me away. I took a few steps back and her hand fell to her side once again.

                “Alright,” she breathed out before she crossed her arms across her chest and bit her bottom lip. Her gaze met mine and I could see the hesitation and struggle it took her to simply say that word. I could see the internal fight she put up just a few seconds ago as her eyes met mine.

                “Fine,” she said. “Just… don’t expect much okay? I’m not… I’m not the best person to be friends with.”

                At that, I laughed. The small chuckle escaped my lips and I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. I nodded and stuffed my hands deep into my jean pockets. “Neither am I.” I admitted my gaze locked with hers. “Neither am I.”

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