Finding Out

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Lyla's P.O.V

My names Lyla and I live on the golden coast of Australia. I have a twin brother called Lewis. We both live an unusual life which all started with three girls: Emma, Cleo and Rikki...

It was the day of Miriam's pool party. As usual I had landed an invite. (I'm sure she only gives me and Lewis one because our dad is rich,sure he owns the biggest computer/phone company in the world but it doesn't mean that it automatically get us invited to very party under the sun.) So I waltz up in my beach overall with my bikini underneath.
"Hey,Lyla,"Miriam said with just a touch too much enthusiasm as all ways "Please come in." I was used to Miriam's big showy home I'd been to many parties here before. I dumped by stuff on a sunbed and lay back relaxing in the sun.
"Um,Lyla" It was Miriam again "Do you mind going to get me some more drinks from the store-room round the side?" Rather reluctantly I got up from the sun bed and went round the side to the store-room.

Cleo P.O.V

What was I thinking? Coming to a pool party of this size and expecting not to get splashed? I sat in my coat and scarf roasting in the hot Australian sun. I watched the people around me. I saw I was not the only one staying out the water. On the sun beds opposite me was Lyla McCartney relaxing in the sun. I sat and watched her she was kind of fascinating the way she just lay back and forget everything, she looked like she was daydreaming. I watched as Miriam went up to her and talked to her. Lyla then got up and walked round the side of the house.
"Look who's here" a voice said behind me, It was Zane "Just when we wanted a bit of fun."
"No" I said "Get back."
"Don't be like that Cleo." Zane said "You had a good laugh when I got soaked last week. Now it's your turn."
"I have a cold" I reasoned "I can't go in the water. It's the flu, actually and it's catching."
"Come on" Zane leered " Swim time, you going in."
"It could even be Pneumonia." I tried praying that he would see reason and keep me on dry land.
"Cleo" Zane said menacingly "Cleo"
His band of friends joined in singing his menacing chant "Cleo"
They picked me up and began to swing me towards the water.
"No! Please," I screamed begging for mercy "Stop! Please!"
"What do you reckon Nate?" Zane laughed to his friend "On three?"
"NO!" I screamed.
They started counting "One"
"Please stop!"
"Two, three"
"Let her go Zane!" It was Lewis come to save me, thank goodness.
"If you insist." Zane smiled and they threw me into the water.

I could hear the boys arguing but it didn't program in my mind I was too scared. I surfaced everyone had gone, apart from Lewis.
"I'm so sorry about this." Lewis apologized.
"Lewis there's something you should know." I said realizing I was about to transform into my fishy self.I looked at my watch it had stopped working due to it being water clogged.
"No, no you don't have to say anything." He said not thinking anything of my anxiety.
"No I really do. "I pleaded, "You know how I've been acting strange? Don't freak out but-" My ten seconds was up I transformed into my mermaid self.
"Lewis you have to help me." I said staring up at him. I watched the shock cross his face "Don't leave me I really need your help." I reached my hand out. He shook his head in disbelief. He was scared, more scared than I have ever seen him in my life.
"Lewis, please." I pleaded. He placed his hand in mine. It was then I realized we were not the only ones on the terrace.

Lyla P.O.V

I stood frozen not believing my eyes. I had got the drinks and come back to an empty terrace with only Lewis and his crush Cleo in site. But it wasn't the empty terrace that held me in place it was the transformation that had happened before my eyes. I had seen Cleo in the water with her leg's clearly showing and the next she had a tail! She was a, a mermaid!

"Lyla!" My brother screamed help me get her out? She's really heavy." It was only then I realized the danger Cleo was in. I rushed up to the pool side and helped Lewis heave Cleo out. Somewhere in this process Emma ad Rikki arrived. They didn't seem phased by Cleo's transformation. Did they know?
"Where is everyone?" Rikki asked.
"They're inside." I answered. They rushed off I presumed to stall everyone But only returned a minute later.
"Can you give us a hand?" Lewis asked "She weighs a ton!"
"We can't" Emma said shiftily.
"If we get wet we grow tails too,is that what you want" Rikki explained.
"Both of you?" I questioned, they nodded.
"All of you?" Lewis breathed in shock. Cleo nodded.
"Seriously?" we both said at once. Me and Lewis heaved Cleo out the water.
"I should have joined the gym." Lewis panted when we finally got her out.
"What are we going to do here?" Cleo asked staring at her tail.
"Get back twins." Rikki said as she knelt down by Cleo.
I stared in awe as Rikki put her hand over Cleo's tail and it began to steam. How?
"Ow, that stings." Cleo winced.
Before I even knew it Cleo was back as her human self.
"There you go" Rikki smiled, "Fin gone!"
"You found your power!" Cleo said.
"Guys, what i going on?" I questioned.
"We'll explain later guys."Emma said while pulling Cleo to her feet. We began to run towards the exit but before she left Rikki decided to wreck the party. She drew her hand into a fist and the pool water disappeared into a cloud of steam.
"I never liked pool parties anyway." She smiled at me. We then ran for the exit.

"This probably goes without saying, but if you tell, we maim you. " Rikki threatened.
"We're not that stupid. If anyone found out you'd end up as science experiments." Lewis said.
"I quit the swim team today" Emma said glumly.
"Oh Emma I knew how much that means to you." Cleo said always the one for others emotions.
"Still, what can I do?" she asked.
"This whole thing is just out of control, it just too big." Cleo moaned I stared at her "What?" she asked "It is!" I shook my head at her.
"Just let me get this straight." Lewis asked always the scientist,"You freeze thing?" He said looking at Emma "You explode things" He looked at Cleo "and you boil things" he pointed at Rikki. "And you all grow tails!"
"It's just too bizarre!"
"Bizarre?" Emma said, "Yup. Still sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not so good
"It's, it's, I don't know the word for it" Cleo added.
"I do" Rikki smiled " Three of them. Totally, absolutely awesome. "
We all smiled. Well all of us except for Cleo who just pulled a face. Sometimes I do not get that girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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