Renesmee's Life

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Author's note 

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I had SAT exam and I have another major exam coming up next week but since I love u guys, I had to give some chapter.... This has no proof reading so if there were any mistakes please forgive me..... No more waiting, here's your chapter....

Renesmee's POV

yippee!!!!! It's Jake's birthday...well actually in two minutes... That's the reason why I am wandering around my house, searching for his room... Being a half-vampire actually helped a bit but since I was only half-vampire, I could smell his delicious as well as nose burning smell, mostly the good part.....these are the few times I wish I was a full vampire.... Where the hell was he?!... Aha!.. There he is, my lovely and for god's sake, bloody hot werewolf angel! Lying on his bed like a baby, as the innocence dripped off his face...

Come on Nessie, this is not the time to describe your damn hot boyfriend... It's the time to wish him....Now get in there and scream out your wishes...

As I entered, I could fell the presence of more than one person... Then I realized that my whole family was there with a cake perfectly baked (I guess it was esmee grandma or Rosalie... It could be my mom too but she is more of you know... Not very decorative and really innovative kind... Don't get me wrong, I love my mom to the core.. But that's different from this) and a few candles sticking out of the cake... Real dead, graveyard silence prevailed in Jake's room except his breathe noise...

There we go, my aunt Alice kept a watch for the time... And exactly at 12.00 midnight... She signaled us and we all screamed in one united voice, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB BLACK".... Probably only I screamed because their voices were more sweet and musical...

He freaked out and switched the lights on... Once he saw us, his expression changed from utter shock to sweet surprise...He smiled at us as we laughed at his reaction...Then there went the individual wishings.. Obviously I stole the first individual wish!, "Happy birthday Jake! Enjoy your day to the fullest and live your life as long as you can... Actually live your eternity to the fullest", I half screamed half said the first part whereas the second part was more like a correction in the wish... He leant in for a kiss.. Someone awwwed.. I am guessing it was Alice.. But he soon realised that we were surrounded by everyone. He chuckled and pulled back with only a hug (the realization dawned on Jacob when he heard my dad growl under his breath, even though could only hear the faint sound of breathing, Jake must have heard it as growling)....

Everyone wished him from the bottom of their hearts, including Daren... Even though he was a new one, he could bare Jake's smell and presence... I am so damn happy that Daren had such a wonderful power of self control... I just hope that that wasn't his only gift like my granma's and grandpa's compassion... It's really nice but it's no fun... Ya I do sound kiddish because I am just Sixteen and compared my Mom or in that case anyone else in my family (obviously not including jake as he is not a vampire), I am freaking young.Every one loved him, even my dad unless and until I get too close to Jake.

After the small wishing ceremony, everyone left his room after cuting the perfectly baked tiny cake,so that, the birthday boy could get some sleep... After everyone left, I went near Jake in a really sensuous way, at least how much ever a sixteen year old could pull off... And got real close to his face... Our lips were like a inch apart, I could feel his warm breathe on my lips... Slightly running my hands along his really hard and muscular hands and coming back to his cheek... I wished him happy birthday and pulled back..." that's it?! Oh come on, don't do this to me... Not fair ok... Please please just one single kiss.." he whined like a two year old.. Obviously I didn't give in... Giving him my sexy smirk, I left his room as he kept on whining...

Even though it was his birthday, birthday kisses had to wait till we were alone in a beach, with only the moon light to see my Angel's face...I know I am dreamy and romantic...But when it comes to my life, it had almost always been a fairytale with my family showering me with love and verything else i want in the world.

Daren POV

After Jake's birthday gather in midnight, I went back to my room... I just kept walking here and there... Couldn't settle on anything... My mind was full of Anna.. Her beautiful yet mysterious face... Her sea blue eyes! They were just unforgettable!! Today is Sunday or maybe Saturday night you could because it was barely past twelve in the midnight...

Now there's nothing much to do, except find a way to ask Anna to the dance... This should be just perfect because she doesn't seem like the type who had gone on many dates.... Could say that because she was so damn nervous which made her look even more cuter than she ever was.. That little reddish patch (blushing basically) on her pale cheeks seemed so perfect... And that dress looked as if it was made just for Anna...

What about asking her again in the traditional way..., no no that would be really boring and she would come to the conclusion that I don't know any other way..., what about the sexy bad boy way...? Walking up to her without her knowledge, sweeping her into my arms and asking out lik,'Hey babe, movie tonight?' with my one eyebrow up and another down... Giving the sexy badboy face... That would be too much of badness that she might refuse... She looks so fragile and sweet.... Too fragile that any wrong move could break her trust in me...

Aha..! That's it! Nothing is better than the cute boy way, walking upto her, with a warm, sweet smile," hey, Anna I was thinking we could.. You know... Go on a more.. You know... Casual date rather than that classy one... I wanted our first date to be the best.. Now that we have dated already... This time we can discover about each other more easily", Yes man.. That's it... No girl with a heart(like Anna) would turn a cute, and confident boy...

Next morning, I came down gave Esme a mother-son kiss.. And ran to the garage to take my favorite, Maserati to school.... As soon as I parked my car, Anna's car came, into view... She just got out and walked into the building.... I also got out and rushed inside... Just to find Anna near her locker... She opened itas I was nearing her place... And then the unexpected happened...


Love you guys to the core... Was a short one because I need to go back to studying...the target is 100 reads and 4 votes you guys....

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