thirty four

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we stood in the hallway and you just stared at me. not saying anything.

I crossed my arms, waiting.
and might I add how hard it is to glare at someone when a little kid is running between the your legs.

"well?" I asked in a huff.

"you left us"

"I told you I couldn't stay...I have a did you find me anyway?"

you bent down and picked up chanhee, relaxing him with a gentle rub to his back.

"do you know how hard he cried when he realized you were gone? I told him that you had to go back to school for a while. but he kept crying."

I slowly dragged my eyes down to chanhee, who's cheeks reminded me of dumplings whenever he smiled.

"I had to promise him that we'd see you again and that it was only temporary. after that I started searching all the schools. and it's sort of hard to do that when all I know is what you look like...took me two weeks to find you again."

I pinched the bridge of my nose,sighing.
"and now what since you've found me? I'm still not moving to daegu and I have a life that I need to get back to."

I watched as you took a step forward; setting chanhee down, taking his small hand and...

...placing it in mine.

"spend twenty four hours with him. I don't know if he's ever going to find his parents or how long it will take before I find him some. I atleast want to be able to say that I managed to give him a mom for a day."

"yoongi...I don't think I can-"

"I'm going to be in seoul for a while so you don't have to worry about travelling.. just take him with you where you would usually go..when the twenty four hours are up I'll come and if you still don't want to be his mom we'll leave you alone, ok?"

I watched as chanhee looked between us, perhaps not understanding what we were going on about but able to sense the seriousness.

I trailed my eyes back up to you and watched as you bite your lip, your grey hair making you look all the more innocent.


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