Chapter 3. - The Sweet Smell Of Girls

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“Hey girl, ready?” Gabriel said, as he stopped up in front of us.

I lightly blushed, smiling to him. No one ever called me that before.

“Gabriel, come on your dic- ey, ey, ey.” A boy said, stopping up beside Gabriel.

“Well hello.” He smirked, looking at us. I lifted my eyebrows, not really knowing what to do with myself.

“Come here.” Gabriel said, probably ignoring his newly arrived friend, stretching out his hand for me. I took it, letting him guide me to sit down behind him on his motorbike.

“Well, see you Christy.” Emma smiled a last time, before she turned around.

“Aw, you’re already going?” The other boy smirked, acting sad. Emma froze, before slowly turning around again.

“You’re coming?” He said again, clapping his hand on his motorbike seat.

“Uhm, no thanks, it’s okay.” She smiled insecure, wrinkling her nose. The boy shrugged his shoulder, checking out Emma a last time.

“Just letting you know that Daddy Dakota always are here for you.” He ironic said with a wink. I strangled a laugh. He totally wanted the P.

“Bye Dakota.” Emma giggled, walking away.

“She wants me.” Dakota smirked at Gabriel, turning on his motorbike.

I rolled my eyes. Should I take my arms around Gabriel or just wait till he says something? I barely know this guy.

I awkwardly tried to wrap my arms around him.

“Wassup’ with the arms, Christine?” Gabriel giggled, turning his head.

I embarrassed hid my face, my forehead resting against his back. OH MY GOD, What the hell are you doing, Christine? I heard a voice in my head scream. Don’t flirt when him! He’s dangerous! I cleared by throat, lifting my head.

“Comfortable?” Gabriel asked, turning his head away.

“Yeah, thanks.” I mumbled.

“One..two," Dakota suddenly started to count. Not really knowing what to do, I just kept quiet; tighten my grip around Gabriel a little.

 "Three!" RUUSHHHH.

I tried to not to scream too loud, as Gabriel gassed up for his motorbike, and we drove fully speed out from the school's parking lot and down the road. Gabriel just laughed by my fright, probably not even thinking about if he should slow down a bit.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I screamed, and couldn’t help but laugh. This shit was actually pretty funny. I had never tried to ride a motorbike before; I had tried to sit behind Emma on her bike, but a motorbike.. I swallowed. If my parents found out I had been riding with a stranger, on his motorbike, without a helm… Oh god Christine, I thought to myself. Enjoy it.

"Are you still breathing, girl?" Gabriel giggled, as we turned around a corner, obviously too fast.

"What's up Gabe, 10$ on that I'm faster than you?" Dakota said with a smirk, as he drove up beside us.

"Argh man, I don't know... I don't wanna make you cry." Gabriel smirked back, his eyes still trailed to the road. I laughed by their conversation, a little part of me hoping that Gabriel wouldn’t do it.

"But well," Gabriel started. Oh god, please don’t do it Gabriel.

"I wouldn’t mind getting some of your hard-earned money." Gabriel ended, stretching out his hand.

Precious (Justin Bieber as Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now