Chapter 35 - Dirty Money

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Christine’s POV

"I couldn’t believe it either when I saw it!” I laughed.

It was Tuesday. One day since the roles for Poinsettia was released- and I was still high on adrenaline.

"Someone's watching you from above, Christine. No doubt about that!” Pheobe smiled, and sent me a wink.

Further down the hallway Elliott came walking, alone, with his black bag over his shoulder. Quickly looking away, I could feel a pang of guilt. It was now almost a week ago since Jason had beaten up Elliott, and I still hadn’t talked to him about it.

"You haven’t seen him since...?” Pheobe asked who also had spotted Elliott.

I shook my head with a sigh.

"Hey. It'll be fine. Get it over.” Pheobe smiled weakly, and gave me a hug before she disappeared down the hallway. I understand why Dakota was so in love with Pheobe. She was so crazy and imaginative, and yet when you needed it the most understanding person existing. Depressing only few people knew that. To most she was just quiet Pheobe. I can’t believe anyone actually think they can judge an entire person's personality with some few measly words.

"Hey Eli,” I softly spoke, leaning myself against the locker next to him.

He looked at me and sent me a nod.

"Listen, Elliott, I know you're mad. But I-”

"No, Christine, it 's not your fault. I know.” He sighed, and closed his locker shut. He didn’t even look at me.

"Why do you ignore me then?” I exclaimed, and threw my arms in the air.

I hate when people act peeved, without even saying what’s wrong.

"I’m not. I just don’t want to get beaten up by your boyfriend all the time.” Elliott said strained and gave me a despairing look.

He had bruises down the right side of his face. Probably the places Jason had hit him.

"I’m sorry Elliott, sorry. I know Jason is a little...”

"Insane?” Completed Elliott surly to me.

"Maybe...” I sighed and looked down at the light blue aluminum floor.

Jason had personally nothing against Elliott. In reality he has nothing against anyone because he doesn’t care about anything and anybody. Expect me. But as soon as someone were a threat, as soon as someone tried to get my attention... A real nightmare.

Elliott shook his head. ”But he can’t you see he controls like a puppet?” He muttered, and looked at me with wrinkled eyebrows.

I shook my head, getting up from my relaxed position up against the closet.

"This is not your fight, Elliott.” I said and walked toward the classroom.

But before I could take another step, Elliott placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and my eyes met his.

"I just don’t want to lose the things we have because of him.” Elliott whispered.

A warm feeling filled me up inside. Was Elliott afraid of losing me as a friend? Or was he, like Jason... Die hard in love with me?

I slowly nodded, before I went down the hallway, there suddenly felt longer than usually.

"Dakota!” I shouted and ran out to the parking lot.

Precious (Justin Bieber as Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now