Such a Creative Title

37 2 13

I was nominated by travelgirlannie  to do thirteen facts about myself so here I go!!!

1. I love reading. Duh

2. I love writing. (Yea I know these facts are super plain XD)

3. I'm an over achiever who can't stop herself.

4. I'm a straight A student.

5. I have hair everyone loves to touch and play with.

6. I'm in chorus, love music, and love singing. (I wanted to categorize these facts Into one oops)

7. I sing and dance in the shower. . Heh

8. I don't know why people find it weird, but I listen to music and  read at the same time. However I listen to music with everything.

9. I just got a phone number this year. Consider me last out of my whole school. XD

10. I'm quirky and weird in my own ways, but I know my friends love me.

11. At my own expense I act crazy to see the smiles on my friends faces along with laughter.

13. I'm a really genuine nice person. Feel free to message me and  talk. I won't judge and I give great advice. I can listen to your  problems.

If you ever want to know more about me feel free to ask or drop some comments!

Bonus fact: I love to paint/draw and I'm in dance!

Rule#4 probably won't count because I'd  probably won't remember I even posted this

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Rule#4 probably won't count because I'd  probably won't remember I even posted this. Derp. I have such a bad  memory, but feel free to do this!

I don't really know anyone, but I nominate:















Peace out!!!! Bieeee!

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