"Complicated can be beautiful"

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"Where are we going again?" Amy asked, leaning over the railing to see the doctor who was whirling around the console, pulling levers and pushing buttons

"I'm not saying the name again, it's to long and complicated!" The doctor said

Amy smirked, she'd heard what he said, she just wanted to make him say it again

The TARDIS jolted and whirred before coming to a halt as the doctor turned around and smiled at Amy, "We're here"

Amy raised an eyebrow and ran down the stairs to the doors, throwing them open

Her eyes widened as she looked around and stepped out "wow..."

The Doctor followed, a smile on his face "it's a beauty, isn't it?"

She simply nodded and looked at the sky again, which was filled with colours and patterns

He grinned and sat on the floor, looking up at the sky

Amy sat down next to him, following his gaze

"For such a long and complicated name....it's so beautiful" Amy said, a slight smile across her face

The Doctor nodded and looked over at Amy "yeah, the most complicated can be the most beautiful sometimes....planets...animals...people"

Amy nodded in agreement, not truly understanding what he meant

She slowly lay her head on his shoulder, continuing to look at the sky, "I wish this moment could last forever"

"As do I pond," he said and rested his head on the top of hers "as do i"

(Sorry, this one was a bit short. Not all chapters will have smut, sometimes, fluff is just for cuteness, smut is for your pleasure ;)

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