Chapter 1 : Monster

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↭ Kim Jongin as himself
↭ Song Jihyo as herself

◈any additional cast will be reveal soon.


"Eomma! Stops with the blind date things! I hate it!" He yelled on the top of his lung.

"Son, i just want to find you a wife." She said.

"I don't like it. I don't want to get marry. Its disgusting." He saw his mom face slowly turn sad. It wasn't his intend to make his mom sad. He hates this kind of things. If he could, he would avoid any event involving blind date at any cost.

"Stupid blind date things," he muttered.

He really hates school. All he ever wanted is to escape school today but he decided not to do so.

As he enter the school, he could heard everyone started to whisper. He has been receiving all the hate ever since he remember.

"Here come the monster"

"Pity him"

"Such a devil."

"Yo! Monster whassup?"

"Such a trash."

"Its him"

"He has a good look. Too bad he's the devil"

Those words are often thrown to him and he heard them thousands of time; the same repeating words by people who hate him. Everyone in that school hate him and that's obvious. Even the teachers do so.

He enters his first class of the say and walks to his seat,ignoring all the eyes on him and people talking shit about him. He was seated at the last row at the end of the class because he doesn't like sitting in front.

After all those years of studying he manages to get himself a friend, at least.

She wasn't the type of people with back stabbing attitude. She even seem to be so friendly. She was the only one who gone through all the hardship with him and was there to be his backup whenever people dissing me. She's older than him by only 2 months which give him the right to address her as noona. But he prefer not to.

To him, she was something else.

"You early today, Kim Jong In." He rolled his eyes. He extremely hates when someone address him with is full name. He personally thought, it was annoying.

"Don't dare called my full name ever again, Song Jihyo." He said, sitting his butt down on the chair, and slightly pull Jihyo's pony hair which now a mess.

"Why can't I called out your full name? You called out my full name too. Its not fair. Besides, i'm older than you." She said, sounding like she was defending her pride with tying put his hair again. You don't wanna look such a bird nest in the morning right?

He often does that to her as he found it was quite amusing. He sometimes considering her as a male.

Although, he often pulls her hair, she would never get angry every time he did it.

She do has a pretty face, good looking body, but the thing is, he don't care about such things. Why? Because for most of the time, she pull a guy attitude which cover up all her feminine side. That include, the way she eat, walks, sit and even dress up like a boy.


He accidentally broke a window glass when involving himself in a worthless fight. It started when a group of guys who messing up with him, pushing him from behind in attempt to make him fall and face the floor. And he did.

What he does next is what he calls a common routine when it comes to fight. Punches and kicking landed on each others. And of course, getting their own self some bruises, blue spot and even bleeding, not to mention some lose tooth.

What worst is that he was the only one that got detention while the rest were involved as well. It was because he had done a vandalism by breaking the window and also fighting back.

When the detention class come to an end, he was surprised to see Jihyo leading her back against the locker, waiting.

"Why aren't you home yet?" He said as he rise up his eyebrows, questioning.

Usually she would rush home and was very eager waiting for the last bell the ring.

"I just wanna walk home with you."


"Why what?" She asked back.

"Why do you want me to walk home with you?" She doesn't answers him for quite a while.

"Actually, i want to know where you live. We have been friends for two years tho and you went to my house once."

"There's no way i show you my house! You will come to my house often and its gonna make me annoyed."

"But i won't annoy you."

"I don't believe you," he locked his locker and walks past by her just like that which leaving her in shocking state.

"He's sure a monster. Whats wrong if i wanted to know where he live? Besides, we have been friends for quite a long time." She said, lying her body on her bed.

"Kim Jong In" she sighed, saying out his name out of random. Then she grabbed her smart phone and logging in her SNS account.

"Kim Myung Soo,"

She have been crushing on Kim Myung Soo since last years. He been known as the international playboy in the school. But she doesn't care much about that. Well, he's every girl type.

"I wish Kai has your attitude, Myungsoo~ah. I want him to be gentleman just like you. You're so nice when you treat girl. Unlike Kai, he's always pulled my hair and I have to retied it again. I don't like it actually. But i don't wanna get mad at him 'cause I don't wanna make him feel uncomfortable. Then he will leave me. I don't want to lose a friend like him," again, she sighed.

"That's a lot of don't."

"Dad? what are you doing here? You heard everything right?"

He just smile towards his lovely daughter. He's only one previous gem.

"My princess, get up at eat you're food. Its getting cold."

Jihyo sweetly smiled and gibe him and nodded.



"I don't like you being friend with Kai. I don't want he hurting you anymore."

"But I like being friend with him. You never disagree before."


Thanks for reading. Please excuse the grammatical mistake and the typing error as well.

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[Edited, Aug 15, 2017]


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