Chapter 19 : Stupidest Mistakes (Final)

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She laughs, she giggles, and she dance. Why everything seem so wrong?

Kim Myungsoo - that's right he's the problem.

They were laughing, giggling and even dancing together. It was a reunion party after all. So of course everyone we're trying to mend the bond and be friend again but Kai somehow different. He was frustrated for some concerns that we never know; the concern which he kept to himself for a very long period.

Kai did attend the party. Although it was not his will to attend such a party, he forces himself to go because his gut telling him that Jihyo will be there too.

Why did Kai willing to go to the party when he can get himself some rest and a nice sleep with no bud disturbing? Love. Love makes Kai forcing himself to go.

Sipping the drink he has in his hand, drinking them in one goal and head out of the hall to go back home. Up he goes, straightening his classy black with a little bit mixture of grey colour coat and manly dusting away the invisible dust from his coat and walk off to the main door of the hall.

The butler of the day helps to open the door for him. It was open widely but yet he was standing still.

That's it. I can't handle this feeling anymore.

He turns, immediately eyes roaming each angle of the hall and he spotted Jihyo right away. He makes his move toward Jihyo who was talking lovely with Myungsoo and the rest of the ex classmates. It was a smooth speed move; fast yet silent.

He was a few inches apart from her, he stop his pace for a while. Thinking that the things he is planning on his my mind right now could go wrong and ruin everything. The relationship between them could go worsen.

Kim Jong In never been this desperate before, this is something new. This is a new side of Kin Jong In.

No. No today. Not this time and I wait no more.

He grabs Jihyo's hand who was in the middle of the peep talk out of the school hall. Everyone of course witnessing then and this is sure leaving them speechless and in a confusing state except for Myungsoo.

Myungsoo stood still, hands in the pocket as he watches the both of then exiting the school hall.

"Love I guess," he was smirking and a little laugh managed to escape, "took you long enough."

Myungsoo soon leaving the party. What's the point when you're plus one had been taken away from you? Myungsoo didn't bother to chase after Jihyo because he cares for his reputation. He's a celebrity. He has to stay cool even though Kai had just stolen his plus one.


Kai was upset. With his hand on Jihyo's wrist, he dragged her along to the school garden and tries not to leave any bruise on her wrist.

As they finally arrived at the school garden, Kai slowly let go of her wrist. He wasn't facing Jihyo, he was looking up in the sky full of stars and a bright join. It was deadly silent, but he broke them eventually.

He turns and faces Jihyo who wasn't talking much since the first place. Jihyo was simply staring at the orchids beside her.

"I'm sorry,"


Jihyo head up and they making eyes contact by now. He was saying he's sorry with the most sincere voice she had ever heard.

Is he really meant it this time?

"Really, I'm sorry. I should not have let out my anger on you and Kyungsoo. I just...I don't know. I was just being stupid and immature. I'm sorry, Jihyo."

Jihyo was speechless, for years of knowing a guys named Kim Jong In aka Kai, has never been this sorry before. He had never been this desperate on saying he's sorry. He's a monster, a monster with a kind heart within it.

"I thought you hate me."

Jihyo did thought so. She thought Kai really hate her that he agreed right away and file up her resume. Not just that, everything seem to be back to where it used to happen, when both of them had a fight and never talk or contact each others for years.

"Yeah. I do and that was the stupidest mistakes I ever did. How can I hate the girl I love for years?"

- The End -


Through hardship and hard work finally this book comes to an end. I thank you, guys, for reading this book till the end. Thanks for the long waiting, votes and comments. I appreciate them a lots.

This is a shameless self promo, check out another Song Jihyo book of mine (multimedia above) and the rest of my work. I have two apply fic (seventeen apply fic) and you are very welcome to join in. I suggest you guys to join the recent one because there's may be a chance for you to get accepted.

Again, thanks for reading this book till the end.


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