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- Hi, please read THE STORY OF US 1 first to avoid confusion. Visit my profile! :) enjoy .--

Lauren's Point of view.

I'm floating on this watery state. I'm not sure if its a swimming pool, a sea or a lake. All i know i that im floating. I tried to look around but everything is blurry. and all i can see was the bluish state of water. I swum across the water going nowhere, until i heard a voice.

"LAUREN!" Someone called my name. 

I looked at the direction where the voice was coming from. I saw someone waving at me, i cant see its face, its all blurry. I swum as fast as i could to reach the person who is calling my name. He or she, i cannot tell, is offering me a hand. Im about to grab that hand but the waves smashed into the hand, the person was eaten by huge waves. 

I tried to grab that hand and save that person. But the waves are too strong. The person was dragged deeper to the point that i couldn't reach its hand anymore. I swum deeper and followed that person but im losing my breath. I could feel that, im catching my breath. The pressure is going up to my head like im about to explode. I managed to swim my way up from the deep state of water but i cannot hold my breath any longer...

Then someone pulled my feet dragging me deeper into the water..

I screamed.


"AAAAHH!!!!" I screamed. 
It was a dream. My breathing pattern is so rapid. I was sweating as fuck.

"Lauren? Are you okay?" My sister, Taylor rushed her self towards me.

I looked at her speechless, puzzled.

"You're having those dreams again?" She asked, then wiped the sweat thats coming down from may forehead.

My sister and i shared a room but we have separate beds. I must have woken her up.

"Yes... i dreamt of being in the water again, like im saving someone." I spoke confused.

Ever since i came home from the hospital. I've been having nightmares, this is not the first,nor second, nor the third time. It keeps on happening. Same dream, same scenario.

"Are you okay? Do you want to some water?" Taylor asked.

"Please.. thank you," I said.

Taylor left.

I ran my right hand through my hair. I glanced at the clock beside me. Its 4am.

I took deep breaths to calm myself.  Why does that dream keeps on bugging me every night?

"Here! Drink this," Taylor came back with a glass full of water.

"Thanks,"  I drank the water to half glass empty.

"Will you be okay for the event later?" Taylor asked. 

"Don't worry about me," I answered. I placed the water on the table near my bed. "You can go back to sleep now,"

"Okay, but wake me up if you need something okay?" Taylor replied, then kissed me on the forehead.

We went back to bed. But I still couldn't sleep.

Ever since i woke up from that accident having no memory of anything or anyone in my life, it has been a roller coaster ride for me. All i know is that Im on my way to the airport when I got into a car accident. I smashed into a barricade. I hit my head so hard that it made me forget everything.

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