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Lauren's point of view.

"She's not coming Dinah." I spoke.
"Am i right?"

Dinah's eyes widened when she saw me. I overheard her talking to Camila on the phone here at the terrace area of the restaurant.

Everything is set for her surprise birthday party.

 The venue, the foodsthe guests amd all that's left missing is Camila's presence.

I personally took all the responsibilities for her party, well Ally, did the reservations on the restaurant, but the rest, like i invited guest, plan decorations, foods, even the Banana Cake, etc, im all hands on about it, i wanted it to be a special day for Camila. Because she's special to us, to me. But it seemed like she's not going to make it before midnight.The surprise party for her is going to be #epicfail.

"Laur... ofcourse she's coming,"
Dinah answered. She flashed a smile on me. But i could see a different answer on her eyes.

"Dont give me false hope... it's 10pm already," I answered firmly.

"She's coming, dont worry, because i will definitely crush petite body if she didn't.."
Dinah jokingly punched her fist to the palm of her hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Im not convinced.

Dinah put her arms on my shoulders.
"Yes Lauren. For the mean time, lets entertain our guests,"


We went inside.
Ally, Normani, Lucy and Keana is present. Some of Camilas close friends are here too.I also planned a separate party for Camilas family tomorrow.

Lucy was talking to Keana when i entered the resto. She waved at me, i went to their table. Keana is holding a glass full of wine. 

"So where is Camila?" Lucy asked.

"I dont know...." I answered. I shrugged.

 I felt sad.

"She's not coming eh? what a waste of time," Keana reacted.

"Stop it. Christ. I thought you will behave, thats why i brought you with us.." Lucy rolled up her eyes.

"I am behaved, Lucy... I just told the truth, Camila always mess up things, whats new.." Keana drank her wine.

"C'mon. It's her birthday, atleast stop bashing her," Lucy spoke angrily

I just watch them quarrel. 

Wtf, i can feel my tears, its starting to form in my eyes.

"Whatever..." Keana stood up. "Im just going to mingle with those boys at the bar..." She left us.

"Hey, im sorry about--.. are you crying???" Lucy saw me slightly wiped my tears.

"Not really. I'm just, well.. sad. What if she never come?"

Lucy held my hand.
"She will! if Dinah said that she will come, we'll have to believe that,"

I did not answer, i just look at her.

".......if she will not, then, it's still a party, you organized this party, might aswell lets still continue having fun, even if without Camila," Lucy added.

"Right.Okay, let's have fun." I spoke smiling softly at her

Lucy and I transferred to the  table where the other girls are sitting, we started eating some appetizers, we continued mingling with the other guest.

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