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Camila's point of view.


And as usual, the girls and i Hang out at THE CUISINE.  It's a restaurant owned by the family of Ally's husband. This place is a very cozy one, and they serve different cuisines, and for tonight they will be serving "Vietnamese Cuisine.   

After Lauren's accident, we started this routine to always spend or atleast
dine out on a Friday evening. We sat on this rectangular table while we wait for Lauren and Lucy to arrive. 

"They finally got the live band! Yey! and i heard from Mr. Vito, the manager, that they will be having an open mic later.... lets sing,"  Ally spoke. She seemed excited.

It's the first time for this resto to have a live performing band. They will basically sing every song that you will request, any genre.

"Omg, i will definitely sing on that stage!!" Dinah replied.

"OH please Dinah Jane! I've been hearing your album everywhere i go, on my car, on my phone, on my radio... just give my ears a break puhleease," I complained and jokingly rolled up my eyes on Dinah.

Dinah raised one eyebrow at me.
"Admit it Chanch, you're my number one fan," She said. Then we laughed.

"I dont know about you guys, but im enjoying my  Vietnames spring rolls. healthy plus heaven eh?" Normani said. She's busy munching on some fresh spring rolls.

The waiter came and served us some appetizers, sort of a Bamboo salad. It really tasted good and refreshing.  We started eating the salad when Lauren and Lucy arrived and there's Keana.
She smiled at us then put's her arm on Lauren's shoulders as soon as she saw us... or saw me.

"Hi Girls," Lucy greeted us all and gave us quick hugs.

"Im sorry we are late,"Lauren said.
"I hope you dont mind i brought Keana.. i supposed you all know her, right?" Lauren asked.

"Of course! We know her. How are you Keana?" Ally replied.

"Long time no see," Mani added.

Me and Dinah are just looking at them.

"Hello Ally, Mani, Dinah.....Camila," Keana spoke, her hands are still glued to Lauren's shoulder.
"Of course they know me baby..."

My heart..... she calls Lauren baby.... NO WAY..

"C'mon and sit down, we started eating the appetizers, they are serving Vietnamese cuisine today," Ally spoke, pointing out their sits.

Lucy sat beside me, while Lauren and Keana sat infront of me.

Really now?

"It's nice to know that you girls have this sort of habit to spend time with my baby," Keana spoke.

"Yeah, we usually hang out every friday and just reminisce things," Mani answered.

"Things that she already forgotten?" Keana replied. She looked at me.

"Sort of. All the happy memories," Ally answered.

"Lauren will eventually remember everything... or if not, lets FORGET THE PAST and give her new memories." Keana glanced at me one more time then looked at Lauren.

I felt Dinah gave me a light kick on my left leg leg. I looked at her.

"The nerve," Dinah whispered.

"Stop it..." I whispered back, then we giggled.

I looked back at Lauren she was talking to Ally, but Keana was all over her.

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