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Chapter 40, page 205 -- "My story of Us,"

"How can one miss, what she never had?"
Almost. A song by Tamia.
This song, sums up my life, my love life in general.

I fell in love with Daniel. My best friend.

God knows what happened to him, i lost him, he got shot... i left him there, lying on the floor with blood all over his body..

I closed my eyes.
I can feel the tears rolling down my eyes.

It is still unknown, on how did i fell inlove with Daniel
All i knew is that I was getting attached to someone inconsistent.
I knew I was getting attached to someone who understood me.
I knew I was falling for someone I know I can't have, I always do.
I knew that I was already falling for someone I couldn't bear to lose. The sole person in the world who knows what to say when I call them up at 2 am, crying for every possible reason I can cry about.
He was the only person who knew the best and worst of me but still stayed.
The one person who knows when it was the time of the month, and noticed the little things.
He was the only one who can invade my thoughts at 2am and the one I can miss at 2pm.
He was all these things and more, so much more.
And for a moment I could've risked it all for something permanent, something serious and fun. Something special, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

"Why are you crying?" Mum appeared infront of me.

I was sitting on this bench staring blankly at the river infront of camp South. This camp is the safest camp that hasn't been invaded by the rebels.

"I miss Daniel mum. I really mad at myself for leaving him"
I wiped my tears.

Mum sat beside me.
"Daniel will understand Honey.."

"I love him"
Words came out of my mouth.
"Im inlove with my bestfriend, and i hate myself for feeling like this... I told Daniel, but i guess he doesnt feel the same..."

Mum wasn't shocked at all. She probably knew it all along.
"Honey, Sometimes, when you fall for a guy who happens to be your friend, keep in mind that if he doesn't reciprocate the feelings and do the things you expect him to do, it isn't his fault. It's not actually your fault either.... You dont have to hate him, or yourself. Things happen for a reason, i know one day, Daniel will realize how important you are for him..."
Mum held my hand.

"But he's gone, probably everything is too late now Mum... i lost him..."

I need Daniel.
I want my best friend back..

Lauren's Point of view.

Wow. Camila's book is really heartbreaking.
I've been reading this book all day long. And i cried, like a baby.

"Are you crying?"
Taylor asked. I was lying in my bed wiping my tears when she entered our room.

"Yeah.. i was blown away by Camila's book, it was heart breaking...."
I answered.

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