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Lauren's Point of view.

"Camila! Lauren! C'mon down i made a snack for you girls,!!!!" Camila's mom called our attention.

Yes! Thankyou. Omg.
What the hell am i thinking?...

It was really a relief when her mom interrupted the tension.

"L-lets go?" Camila asked.

"After you Camz," I said. I smiled at her, but boy. I think i am going to explode.

She turned her back on me. I slightly held my left chest. My heart was beating so fast.

After Camila gave me that quick kiss, it rocked my world. I just tried to be okay with it. But i am really not okay with it.

I was startled.

Why did she kissed me?
Surprisingly. I kinda like it.
Wait what?
No! Fuck. Yeah. I did like it

We were sitting on their dinning table. Camilas mom made some rice porridge. I was sitting beside Camz and Sofia. Her dad Mr. Cabello left with a friend, they are going out for tennis.

Its strange, it really feels like home in their house. All are smiling at me, its like i can live here.

Mrs. Cabello, poured me some rice porridge.
"Lauren, i didn't know you would come, i made this porridge for Camila, its a good meal for her fever. Mmm, do you want me to bake something for you? A cupcake or cookies, or do you want me to order pizza?" She asked.

"Im good Mrs. Cabello, this porridge looks delicious" I answered with a smile.
The porridge is really delicious though, its tasty and has all the healthy stuffs in it.

"You can call me Mama Sinu, or Mama C, that's what you call me before..." Mrs Cabello said 'mama' with a Cuban accent.

"Oh, alright, Mama C," I spoke amazed.

Camila was just staring at us, eating rice porridge, with banana, ofcourse.

"We miss you Lauren, its been a while," Sofia said joyfully.

I like Sofia, she's younger than my sister. She's intelligent,cute,and sassy. I can see that we are close before because as i browse my instagram, i saw that i posted several selfies with her.

"When was the last time i went on your house?" I asked.

"Hmmm. When was that," Sofia held her chin as if she was thinking deeply.

"Oh! How can i forgot, when Ringo died..." Mrs. Cabello answered.

"Mum" Camila mumbled. She glanced at me, slightly smiled then shook her head.

"Oh yes! Thats like the higlight of Camren," Sofia spoke giggling then flashed a smile on her sister.

"Stop!" Camila complained.

"Why Love? We have to tell Lauren that moment really defined your friendship,"  Mrs. Cabello answered.

"Who's Ringo?" I spoke. I am clueless.

"Ringo was Camilas dog, Camilas first pet, he died 4years ago."

I looked at Camila,she also glanced at me then looked away.

".......fifth harmony was on tour that time, but i had no choice but to tell Camila about what happened. She got so sad and hysterical about it, she almost didn't make it to the concert, but it was you Lauren who helped her to stay calm. After the concert  you both took the first flight home. When you reached our house, you both cried like babies.... like you're Ringos parents. After we burried Ringo on the back yard you guys slept for like 8hours straight together. Thats really sweet," Mrs Cabello explained.

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