Dante's Demise [9]

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Another four months passed after that encounter with the demon Gorkmonte. Dante hadn’t told Iris anything about when he saw the demon, his excuse was he went to see Lady to see if she had any good paying jobs she wanted to give him. Iris believed him, but she knew he was hiding something from her. The twins were growing quickly, Vander had perfected crawling and was learning to stand - with the help of the coffee table. Damien was becoming more chatty and learning to walk - with help from Iris and Dante. Dante sat at the coffee table with Damien, holding his hands so he wouldn’t fall over. Lady sat a metre or so away, beaconing for the infant to walk to her. Iris was out shopping and the boyish hunter decided to drop in, to Dante’s dismay.

“Come on Damien, come to Aunty Lady” Lady beaconed, Dante couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He let go of Damien’s hands and Damien slowly walked towards Lady, stopping short and falling onto his arse. He began to whimper and cry, Lady picked him up and blew raspberries on his cheeks, making him giggle.

“Any particular reason why you’re here?” Dante asked, picking up Vander and sitting him in his lap.

“You heard of that really powerful demon wandering the city?” Lady asked.

“Yeah, her name is Iris” Dante replied.

“Don’t be smart” Lady replied “They call him the Crimson Hunter”.

“Nope, never heard of him” Dante replied, bouncing Vander in his lap “Why’d you ask?”.

“Cause, apparently he’s for your blood” Lady replied.

“Well, he’s not getting it” Dante replied.

“Yeah, but you don’t know how strong he is” Lady replied.

“Do you know then?” Dante asked.

“No, he’s staying in the shadows” Lady replied, helping Damien stand up and face Dante. Dante reached his hands out to Damien, Damien giggled and began steadily walking towards him “Watch out Dante”.

“I will, I will” Dante replied as Damien walked into Dante’s hands “Good job Damien, Mama will be impressed”.

“Fine, since I couldn’t get anything from you, I’ll leave” Lady said, picking up Vander from Dante’s lap “I’ll see you gentlemen later. Oh and you too Dante”.

“Get out” Dante replied as Lady put Vander down and walked out the door. Vander crawled to Dante and stood up shakily, using Dante’s shoulder as support. Vander’s eyes still hadn’t changed color, but they glowed red. There was a knock on the heavy metal door, and they opened. Dante looked up, it was a kid. She had brown hair and a pink dress on.

“Excuse me, are you Mr Devil May Cry?” She asked.

“Devil May Cry is my shop, my name is Dante” Dante replied “What are you doing here kid? This ain’t a playhouse, you’d better go home”.

“But, I need help” The kid replied “My mother, I saw her kissing a man who isn’t my father”.

“That’s not my issue” Dante replied.

“But, they say you take on any job no matter what it is” The girl replied, walking towards Dante. He picked up the twins and took a few steps back, something was wrong here.

“Yeah, if I get the right amount of money” Dante replied.

“I don’t have money, but I’ll make a deal” The girl replied “You do what I want, I let your sons live”.

Dante quickly pulled out Ivory from the back of his pants and shot at the girl, it hit her in the hip. She screamed, then began hollering like a dinosaur. Her eyes turned red and her nails grew, she lashed out at Dante. He quickly turned and shielded the twins, the claws dragging large rugged lines over his back. Damien began to cry, Dante looked down at him to see a large, clean cut on the left side of his forehead. Dante could feel his eyes glow red and his fangs grow, he turned and shot at the girl ruthlessly. She jumped around, trying to dodge the bullets, but most of them hit her. She fell backwards and howled in pain. Dante walked up to her and pointed the gun at her forehead, right where she’d scratched Damien.

Dante's DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now