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One thought turns into a thousand
Not a moment of calm
Anxiously gazing at the second hand

Judgement stares
Constant action
Painful glares
A false accusation

I have a disorder
But that does not
Mean create a border
I'm not your toy or robot

Don't make fun of me
Because of my ADHD
Cause you can't see
I'm trying my best with my ability

It won't go away
Like all my old friends did and will
Its a parasite that will always stay
Digging a hole that no one fill

Adults say I'm too crazy but smart
Peers say I'm insane and a know-it-all
What kids say I usually take to heart
Meds were ment to help but we're the downfall

Can't change imperfection
Can't fix the issue
With all my nearly I hope you don't have this incurable infection
That's all I can wish for you

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