The Lost Will Cause the Wreck

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Flock POV

“She’s dead, and you don’t even care.” Angel spat.

“She told me to leave. What else am I supposed to do? She ripped my heart out, stomped on it, told me to leave and you’re mad at me? I am her other half! I comply with her every whim just to make her happy!” Dylan defended.

Fang scoffed each time Dylan proclaimed to be Max’s ‘other half.’ This was probably the first time in the last five hours he hadn’t been crying. He would lock himself away of course, just so no one could see how wrecked he was. He had done the same each night since the rest of the flock was trapped away in the caves. He couldn’t handle it anymore and felt like he was about to explode

The one thing that impressed him the most however, was how brave Angel was. She fought Dylan every step of the way for him trying to leave, she even tried to comfort Fang. She was the bravest little one he had ever met.

“Fine then! You go right ahead and leave! Leave us to deal with everything. I get it, you were only ever in it for Max, no one else matters to you. She was the only person on earth you cared about…and probably the only one who cared even a smidge back.” Angel squealed. This clearly hit home with Dylan. “You are alone in this world. Tell me, where will you go? Where will you stay? The population of the world was just wiped out. Do tell me as I am eager to know.”

Dylan stared hard at Angel. This child was making him feel like he was three feet tall. “I…I don’t know…” he whispered.

“I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t quite catch it.”

“I don’t know Angel. I do know that Max’s death is the worst possible thing to happen in a time like this. Yes, you are correct; she was the only one who actually liked me…maybe. She and Fang had a thing, do you really think I am going to stay here and play the sad and lonely loser in love with the other guy’s girlfriend while we all mourn? No. I would rather be dead with her.” Dylan spat back.

“You asshole.” Fang stepped up. “How could you say something like that? You think you’re so tough, so amazing at everything don’t you? I have news for you jackass, she didn’t like you back. She never did and neither did anyone else. She chose me; she chose the rest of her family, not you.” Fang was vicious. Angel had only ever seen him angry like this once and it was a lot worse. Fang was really scary when he became aggressive. “Get the hell over it or get out because if you stick around and do nothing but complain and whine, the world might as well end. Sorry that’s not what you wanted to hear Angel but, it’s the band aid technique.”

Dylan just looked stunned, as if someone took a bat and whacked him in the face, which Fang might as well have.

“I…I…I…” was all he managed.

“You what you babbling idiot?”

“Fang…” Angel said cautiously. He looked down at her worried expression which followed through to his hand.

Somehow Fang had reached down into his shoe and retrieved a pocket knife. It surprisingly hadn’t washed away. “Put the knife down and back away. It’s not worth it.”

“Your right.” He agreed. He folded the knife and put it back in his shoe. “He’s not worth it. I would rather see you gone then waste my knife on you.” Fang spat on the ground and flew away.

Angel watched him soar higher and higher. He was a black dot then, fleeing. He was aching, mourning, in pain. He wasn’t going to get over this. He couldn’t even move on if he wanted to, the entire world population was gone.

They were the only ones left. Three dysfunctional, mourning bird kids who had lost their beloved friend, mother, girlfriend, sister and leader, they had nothing. 

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