Did you study?

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"Ah," I breathed out, grabbing the cup of peach lemon tea I'd been offered upon entry to Riley's apartment. "The exam is over." It was our first time being in here, so I took the chance to look around. The interior seemed nice enough, and everything was spotless and shiny. If I hadn't seen pictures of her bedroom, I would have guessed the whole house was like this. But since I had, I knew her bedroom looked as if it came out of the imagination of a little girl. I'd seen so many pink, white, yellow and pale blue shades and colors, bows, and fluffy plush animals, that I don't think I'll ever look at a house the same way ever again, without exploring all of it. It fit her personality, though, in a way.

"How do you think you guys did?" She questioned, peering over the rim of her own tea at Owen and me.

"I feel fairly confident," Owen replied indifferently, glancing her way.

"Ah," She cooed mockingly, setting her tea down to bounce over to Owen and throw an arm around him until she was practically hanging onto him. "Was someone a good boy? Did you study?"

I had to hold in the snickers threatening to erupt from me, as his face slowly flushed. With a giggle, she gave him a quick hug and backed away from him to turn her attention towards me.

"Well? How do you feel about it?" She asked, looking me over expectantly.

"I think I did fine," I reply. "I honestly don't want to think about it."

"Well you guys know what this means, right?" She asked, throwing her arms up in excitement.

"What?" Owen inquired scrutinizingly, and even I looked at her curiously.

"It means we get to celebrate!" She shouted, jumping up and down happily.

It took a moment for her words to sink in before I joined her in jumping about excitedly.  "Woohoo! Celebration!' I cried out.

"Yep," She said, nodding solemnly. "So come over to this address later tonight, kay?" She questioned, handing us a piece of paper with writing scribbled on it. "And bring a date. Now shoo! Off you go. I have to rest after that stupid test." She said, and pushed us out towards the door. "Bye!" She exclaimed cheerfully, giving us a mischievous grin.
"She said to bring a date," I muttered, watching Owen straighten his tie. "Nuh-uh," I intervene finally. "You can borrow some of my clothes. Jeans and a button up shirt, Owen. This is a party, not a business deal."

He relented, "Fine." He didn't sound too pleased about it, though. As he rummaged through my drawers and picked out a more relaxed outfit, he replied to me. "We don't have any dates to bring. Riley will understand."

"I wonder if she's bringing one," I muse. "I wonder what kind of guy she likes."

He shot me a pointed glare, before heading to the closet to change. "I don't know, but it's not our concern!" He called and reemerged from his changing place. I had to take a few moments to re-adjust because Owen looked practically human. He actually looked like a teenage boy for once. Or at least, Semi-looked like one. As close as he could get.

He sighed deeply. "I don't like this outfit," he grumbled.

I slapped him on the back a few times. "Oi! Suck it up!" I reply teasingly, and then grab him to drag him out the door, to our car, and to the party.

When we arrive, I can immediately tell we're at the right place. Music's blaring so loud that I can barely hear Owen's mutters about what a bad idea this is, And flashing ,lights are already making me feel tipsy, without having had a single drink. "Let's go!" I call over to the music, beckoning to Owen. "I think I see Riley!" As we walked through the torrents of half drunk people and pushed our way towards the front of the home, I see Riley chatting with another girl on the porch. The girl has golden hair and startling blue eyes. When Riley glances up and sees us, she jumps excitedly and points. The other girl follows her gaze. As we approach can faintly hear Riley suggesting we go inside over the music. She grabs my hands and pulls me after her.

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