[Fly Not For Me!] Byakuya

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Inspired by me getting ready to go to KFC but a fly got in my room and I CANT KILL IT

"Gyah!" You yelped when a sudden gigantic fly bounced on your forehead. Flies. The one thing in this world you couldn't stand. Those stupid black creatures that get through the tiniest crack in the door but can't get out through a massive open window. A loud buzzing sound made its way around your dorm room right as you were practicing an exam tomorrow. History- if you were curious. "Not today!" With a whip of your left hand, you found your electric fly-killing tennis racket and tossed it (non)impressively into your right hand. Using your every range of eye sight, you tracked it's movements and waiting for it to land. "Time to die!!!" you screamed at the top of your lungs as you whacked the racket onto the wall the fly had landed on.

The buzzing continued.

This series of events continued for at least another ten minutes. Pretty much half of your papers had been thrown everywhere and a painting had been knocked off the wall, shattered on the ground. "There's only one person who can defeat such an intimidating beast..."

"No." The great and almighty Byakuya Togami replied in a monotone voice, obviously not happy to have been woken up at three in the morning. He slyly attempted to close the door, but your fast-paced reactions allowed for you to jam your foot in his door and get slightly crushed. "Pleaseee! I can't get it to DIE! Also that really hurt so you owe me a favour." You splurged out the last piece of your speech so it was nearly inaudible and it was obvious he was agitated by that. "Go ask Makoto. I'm sure a pest like him would fit right in." He sighed as he readjusted his glasses. "But I'm sure your Byakuya-ness will make that fly die on the spot! You. Can. Do. It." "-Don't you dare..." "Just do it! Don't let your memes be me-" "Alright, fine!"

Everyone else was asleep, apart from the two of you, so you both walked to your destination as silently as mice. "There it is!" you bellowed right as you entered your room, greeted to the sound of continuous buzzing ringing in your ears. Byakuya's eyes were wide open to the destruction caused in your room. "Pathetic." He grasped the racket and hit the fly with one swoop of electricity, causing it to die on impact. The ringing finally stopped. "My hero!" You tackle-hugged Byakuya out of nowhere. "W-whatever. Don't bother me again." He blushed slightly at your straightforward actions.

Hopefully there will be many more flies in the future.


"Byakuya!!!! There's a moth!!!!!!!"

Author's Notes: So, have you guys seen both sides of the new Danganronpa yet? It's soooooo good.

Look at this precious bagel!!!

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Look at this precious bagel!!!

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