Sub-Series: Greed and Plague Prologue

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This is a sub-series I am introducing. The name of the sub-series may be changed as I introduce character paths. Depending on who you choose on the end of the prologue will affect the story's path. I may also add good and bad endings to the sub-series. Such as Go left or right? Left path is good (continue), right is bad (you die). This is to make it feel more like the reader has more of a choice than before. I hope you all enjoy this!

Searching for SHSL/Ultimate.... Survivalist Skill Located. Loading Disc......

This world is disgusting. Everyday is worse than the other as humanity brings itself down to its knees from its own stupidity and greed. The world we live in can never be of true harmony. Never a utopia; always a dystopia. That's all this world is. One of hate and trauma. Nothing more. Nothing less. Violence, war and greed plague this world we live in and nobody blinks an eyelid at those who truly suffer because inside, we are all corrupt from the moment we take our first breath.

So what if I was to tell you of a way to fix all the greed and suffering? What if I was to say "I can restore this world to its former glory," with my men behind me, stunned like statues as they lift a figure to adjust their earpiece "for a fair price of...," the crowd hushes up to hear the demand of their leader "your trust. Your honesty, your faith in me as the leader of the New World!" Cheers from the crowd show their instant dedication to my idea. But nothing is not corrupt. Everything is. This was only stage one to the end of the universe. Newspapers spread the world across the globe to even the most barren of places. Undying support was under my wing and I had utter control over what happened. More than all the kings, queens, presidents, government. I called it the Neo WorlD Program. Yes, the D is a capital for a reason.

The plan was simple enough, especially with my aim and power to hypnotises everyone within the media who, in turn, hypnotises the entire population. Set up several simulations and versions of the same Neo WorlD Program and when one gets destroyed, begin the world anew. The test subjects had found a resounding positive reaction to the simulation, which increased our funding to the project to begin work even faster. It wasn't long until it was finally ready. The Neo WorlD Program was ready to be given to the public. Within just a few days, over 95% of the world's population was already transported into the NWDP. I had a vow to be the last person to ever enter the NWDP out of true bliss of emptying the world to build a new utopia. It worked perfectly for years to come, until...

However, we didn't realise how fortunate the remaining 5% was. From my very eyes, I witnessed tragedy one after another. Deaths gruesome more than the next in every remaining second.  It churned my gut watching my own creation go against itself. The other worlds were lost, and so was the entire globe. With their bodies stored in machines, was it really only their avatars to be killed or their actual self? In truth, it was neither. They were undead husks who now petrol our cities as maggots eating their eyeballs out caused them to fill with rage and break free.. As zombies.

The 5% hid and fled wherever they could. Whether they were eaten by zombies or died of dehydration, we don't know. It's more likely there's only 2% left of the lonesome Earth. Scarred, bruised and a burning throat, I ran for my life away from the hordes of rotting and gruesome flesh that could only be described in some dark Vocaloid song. Some of them smelt so bad, it made my eyes well up in distain. Imagine a bad smell and times it by a million. Some zombie walkers weren't very terrifying, but they loved being in large groups and the slightest noise can send a hundred over to you in a second. A typical B-level zombie (yes, we had zombie levels of danger. Walkers were D-class as lowest threat.) made quite the punch but went in smaller groups. However, they made up for this in speed. The worst of all was the S-class zombies. My personal fear was of the Witch. Luckily enough, I've never encountered one but if you hear a woman crying... Don't go any further and run as fast as you can. There is one SS-class zombie, but nobody has ever seen it, only rumours but some (ex)survivors have been found with markings similar to this one. We called it Satan. The one blame for this entire despair-ridden hell. Even though it was my fault in the beginning for this to even happen, nobody blamed me at all.

As for Satan, he was a horrific and petrifying killer. Apparently he has sharp horns that would cut you in half like piano wire. A tall and lanky body that makes him hard to hit but still packed a lot of strength. His main attacks were claw-based but some have been torn to shreds with his blood splattered teeth. If you somehow encounter him... Don't run. Don't fight. Just let him kill you. There's no way out.

This is the story of how I, ___ ___, ruined and destroyed the entire world.

Years of preparation had me ready for this disaster. For now, I hid in the top floor of a famous five star hotel. The name of the hotel has been completely rubbed off from rubble, so the only letters I could make out were something on the lines of MNOKA LXRY TL COE TO ESAIR. Never had I heard of a hotel like that. Over my period of scavenging in the first few months of the invasion, I collected several guns, ammo, melee weapons and some old canteens with some probably expired soup cans. Fortunately, this was one of the few locations that still somehow had electrics, but this also attracted more zombies and some of the 5% to raid. The place no longer had the feel of a five star hotel, but it definitely had the space of one, so hoarding and setting traps was easily done. Most of the work was done by the traps and I only had the occasional walker who drifted apart to take down. Most of my encounters were D or C-class zombies but I have seen a few B-class zombies before. One of the bastards caused me to rip my shoulder open on broken glass whilst trying to avoid its attacks. Though, I'd prefer a little scratch than death by mutilation.


Blood was seeping through every hole of my clothes and onto my bare skin. It covered my face and hair as I sliced another head of a zombie off cleanly. I was stupid and knocked over a bin whilst scavenging and now D-class walkers groaned for my flesh. I was tempted to use my gun, but that might attract even more walkers. A flat bump hit my back as I realised I was cornered. My heart was beating out of my chest as I meekly attempted to kill even more zombies. I felt each and every stitch on my arm opening at once, provoking the zombies even more. I was done for as the nearest walker raised his arm to slash down onto me and turn me into one of them. At these times, at least it wasn't Satan. I was the reason behind the end of the world and now I pay the price for the 95% who now walk these cities and the 5% remaining who now suffer because of me. I was ready to accept my fate. 

Prologue End

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