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They girl in the picture is @leah_motionless on instagram

Go show her some love♡


Chris June 12, 2016

"Thank you Scranton! You have been a amazing fucking crowd! This our last song of the night. So front to back, side to side. On. Your fucking. Feet. GET UP!"


The band runs off the stage and rushes over to the cooler.

The cool water runs through my body as the beads of sweat start to die down.

"That has to be the best show we've ever played." Ricky says.

I nodded in agreement. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Ash walking towards.

"Hey babe." She sat on my lap and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

She notice I didn't respond.

"You outta breath?" I nodded a yes.

-*-*$*!**-*$*$*$* (LATER THAT NIGHT)

The band is out for a couple of drinks to celebrate the last show before we go home.

As always, Ash is with me tonight and so is everyone else's girlfriends.

Ricky is in a corner talking to some girl with blue and black hair.

Devin is way passed drunk.

"Hey man, just wanted to say I love you. Your the best."

"Dev I think you should take a break from drinking."

"Fuck no." He starts to walk away shouting 'PARTY' everywhere.

"He's something." Ash giggles a bit.

"I know."


I'm currently in my bunk, looking through Twitter and Instagram. Nothing new.

The guys pile into the bus, considering I came earlier.

"How was it."

"Hey man, where did your eyebrows go?" Devin giggles falling into the couch.

I chuckle lightly.

Ricky sighs heavily.

"What's with you?" I sit across from him.

"I met this girl." Blue hair?

"Did she have blue hair?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw you."


"Did you get her number?"

He pulls out a slip of paper. Napkin? I smirk.

"Well invite her out."

"What do you mean?"

"We have a free week before we go back for Warped."

"I call her up."

"At 2 am."

"She said that she was gonna do an all-nigher."

I make an 'ahhhh' face.

He walks into the other room on the phone.

After a few minutes, he comes back with a smile on his face.

"Well, took a lot of convincing but, she said that she be over."

"Okay." I think for a second. "Wait now?!?"

"Yeah, I told her that I would spend the night with her."

I wiggle my non-existent eyebrows at him.


We have a good laugh but it soon dies down. Then Ricky goes to the back to take a shower.


It's been an hour or two of playing Halo and there's a knock on the door.

"Go get em Tiger."

"Shut the fuck up."

Chuckling lightly, I hear the door open and close, then voices.

I head over to the main living area and see her. Blue haired girl.

"Chris, this is Reven. Reven, Chris."


"British aren't we." I said mocking her accent. She laughs lightly.

"No, It just sounds like it sometimes."
She has accent. Where is she from?

"You have a strong accent. Where are you from?"

I actually don't know?" I make a confused face and Ricky cuts in.

"Let's go to the back." Ricky said suggested that we watch some movies.

Last Shift wasn't that interesting. A girl goes mad during a night shift.

We're currently watching Women in Black 2. At the part where the little girl trys to find Edward and the school teacher runs into some creepy old blind guy.

I check the ti- woah what the fuck. It's four in the fucking morning.

"Well, I'm gonna hit the hay."

"Good night."


well there you have it. its now 5 in the mornin

Srry for the short chap

And if your wondering what her accent sounds like its like Josilinas from Love and Hip Hop Alanta

pic of Reven at the top

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