She Didn't Mean It

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I'm so fucking stupid. What the fuck was I thinking.

"RICKY!" Uh-Oh.

Chris walks into my room and grabs my collar.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Are you crazy or just plain stupid? She was still my girlfriend Rick!" Fuck...

"Look, Chris, I'm fucking sorry. I don't know what the fuck came over me." I managed to get out. The guys pile into the room after they heard Chris yell and glare at me.

"Still! Did you even have atleast one ounce of sence in your body? Of course not. Someone like Rev doesn't desurve you!"

"Like your any better. You barely even pay attention to Ash. Your too caught up in your business to see that she's been cheating on you this entire time Ronnie."

"Don't you think I already know that?" His face was red and he's fumming.

"They why haven't you said anything?"

"Whatever, I don't have time for you." He let's go of me and walks out of the room.

"What the fuck is with the yelling?" Jeff is at the door way with a very sleepy Rev. Did I mention it's the morning?

"Sorry about that, they were having a screaming war." Ryan says sarcasticly.

"Shut up, Ryan." I say annoyed, fixing my collar.

Reven groans tiredly.

"Can ya'll not. I have to train in an hour and I want my sleep." She starts walking away.

"At four am!" Devin exclaims.

"Slenders doing not mine." She says from down the hall.

"When she's tired, EJ and I have to carry her around, so please don't be so noisy." Jeff says and walks away.

The guys soon leave and I get back to sleep.


I grab my machette and walk out into the feild with coffee.

Chris and Ricky yelling last night took a toll on me and I didn't get the full sleep I needed.

The coffee and Monster seem to be doing their job.

"Entity, are you ready?"

I look up at Slender and nod.


I just finished training with a few scratches and bruises here and there. That's what I get for telling Slender not to 'take it easy' on me. Either way, no one can walk out of training with Slender without a scratch.

"Revy! Can we have a pool day? Pleasseeee!" Damn Sally, I didn't even walk through the doorway.

"Sure Sal. Ask everyone else if they wanna join us." She ran off giggling.

Reincarnate (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now