Imagine Request #5: Can't Handle Us (Harry) PART ONE

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Today you were going to tell your boyfriend of four years that you were pregnant with his first child. The whole day you cleaned and spruced up the house with romantic features, for dinner you made an endless supply of tacos. As you were setting the plates on the table you heard the front door open, "Mm, something smells good but is it so dark?" As soon as Harry turned on the lights he met your eyes in the kitchen, "Spoiling me eh? You must have something to tell me." Harry wrapped his arms around your waist looking down at you with a seductive smile, "What do you want?" You giggled moving away from his grasp as he began to nip at your skin, "I don't want anything from you. I do have something very exciting to tell you though." Your face lit up like a light bulb growing even more eager to inform your true love of the biggest news he'll ever hear. Just as you two were about to seat yourselves at the table, Harry's cell phone, "Sorry Kitten, it's my mum. One second." Harry stood from the table and walked away into one of the spare rooms. What you thought was going to be a gentle, short conversation turned into a loud battle and enraged anger.

"SHE TOLD YOU WHAT?!" Harry's voice boomed which made you jump in your seat and your long chocolate brown hair raise due to fear, "Of course I'm not excited! Do you know what kind of stress this will tear on my career? Yea, well it's nice to know you have my back on this one...NOT. Goodbye!" Harry stomped his way back into the kitchen, "Tell me what my mother just told me isn't true." You opened your mouth but then closed it afraid that your answer will upset him even more, "TELL ME!" Harry slammed his fist onto the dining table making the plates rise a little but enough to create a clatter of noise, "Y-Yes it's true."

"GET OUT!" Harry pointed towards the front door.

You just sat in your seat fearing that even a flinch would set him off to do something he would soon as he calmed down, "Harry, I thought you'd be happy."

"WHY WOULD I BE HAPPY?!" Before you could open your mouth to say another word, Harry roughly grabbed your by the wrist taking you outside the door, as you turned around your heart completely split seeing the hatred and fury in his eyes like you killed his cat or broke one of his most prized possessions, "I never want to see you again. You broke my heart, turned my own mother against me, and tried to butter me up with a pity dinner. Do you think I'm that stupid? A tiny bitch that'll let anyone step all over me just because they did 'nice' things or said cliche phrases that givings like that would justify their betrayal on me. Do you really think that little of me?! I thought you would be the one that would never do me wrong or jeopardize my career in anyway yet you did, you're the only one who could tear me down this much. You hurt me the most." After his long, painful rant he slammed the front door hard in your face, the last vision you saw of your now ex-boyfriend was red, puffy eyes and the sound of his broken voice.

Was this the end?


I don't why but I really want to use this plot as a cliffhanger so I hope you guys will stay tuned for part 2.

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