14. Food Court

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"Can you hand me the salt?" Dri asks. We're at the food court, eating lunch. I hand her the shaker. "Thanks."

"No problem," I say, taking a bite of my burger.

"So how is living with Asher?"

"Um, it's kinda weird. It's not how I imagined moving in with my boyfriend. I mean he sleeps in the basement, and my dad's there too, so, you know."

"Any news about his mom?"

"No, but his Dad's out on bail."

"What? Who did that?"

"Ash's sister's mom."

"Ash has a sister?"

"Well, half-sister. His dad has a whole 'nother family. His sister is our age, then he has like two or three brothers."

"Wow. Has he met them?"

"He met his sister once, but they talk on the phone I think. She called him yesterday. I don't think he's met his brother's or their mom."


"Yeah. I still can't believe you got him and Peter to kiss, though! That was hilarious."

"I know right?"

"Anyway, let's get home. I'm going to go help my parents pick out a cake."  

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